Extended Limits of Reversible Electrochemical Lithiation of Crystalline V 2 O 5
Although lithium intercalation into vanadium (V) oxide was studied over decades, exact compositional stability limits for γ‐LixV2O5 phase, which can be reversibly lithiated and delithiated, are still not clear. Using operando and ex‐situ synchrotron X‐ray diffraction, we traced phase composition of the V2O5 electrodes containing reduced graphene oxide during its lithiation and delithiation. We found that coating of micron‐sized V2O5 particles by reduced graphene oxide yields the material providing electrochemical capacity of more than 300 mA h g−1 manifesting insertion of more than 2 lithium ions per mole of V2O5 as confirmed by ICP MS analysis of the electrodes. The obtained electrode material can be sustainably cycled with capacity retaining at ca. 220 mA h g−1 at 500 mA g−1 current over 200 cycles.