A Validated GC‐MS Method for Major Terpenes Quantification in Hydrodistilled Cannabis sativa Essential oil
Terpenes, which are found in high concentrations in the essential oil fraction of the
This work reports on a method developed for quantifying 18 terpenes in
Materials and Methods
Samples were prepared by separating the essential oil fraction through hydrodistillation and then diluting with ethyl acetate containing a 100 μg/mL solution of n‐tridecane and octadecane as internal standards. Analysis was performed on a gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GCMS) using selected ion monitoring (SIM).
The developed method enabled quantification of isomers of nerolidol and ocimene and several coeluting compounds, with recoveries of 87.35%–116.61%. Two cultivars of
This method provides an accurate and reliable procedure for separating and quantifying the major terpene compounds in