Springer Proceedings in Physics, pages 9-28

Monte Carlo Simulation of An-Isotropic Ising Model Using Metropolis and Wolff Algorithm

Publication typeBook Chapter
Publication date2024-12-29
Impact factor
ISSN09308989, 18674941
We employ Monte Carlo techniques, utilising the Metropolis and Wolff algorithms, to investigate phase behaviour and phase transitions in anisotropic Ising models. Our study encompasses the thermodynamic properties, evaluating energy, magnetization, specific heat, magnetic susceptibility, magnetic entropy, and the Binder cumulant. Additionally, we examine the impact of external fields on these thermodynamic quantities at different field values of 0–0.4 with an increment of 0.1. We accurately determine the critical temperature for various model scenarios by analysing the Binder cumulant. Our investigations also include an analysis of the hysteresis loop for the model for different an-isotropic cases. In particular, our study presents the magnetocaloric effect, which is the change in temperature of magnetic material when exposed to a changing magnetic field in an anisotropic Ising model.

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