Interdisciplinary Biotechnological Advances, pages 31-53

Evolution of Traditional Resources and Their Uses in the Field of Drug Discovery: Its Present-Day Impact in Society

Tilottoma Saha 1
Md. Enamul Hoque 2
Publication typeBook Chapter
Publication date2024-09-27
Impact factor
ISSN27307069, 27307077
Traditional resources, enriched with time-honored knowledge, have served as potent remedies for diverse diseases throughout history, igniting renewed interest in their integration into modern drug discovery. This chapter explores the evolution of traditional resources in drug development and their profound impact on society. Beginning with a global perspective on traditional medicine, it unearths healing practices across cultures. Scientific insights into the active compounds and mechanisms underpinning traditional remedies are examined, accompanied by evidence from preclinical studies and clinical research. The chapter investigates the opportunities and roadblocks presented by utilizing traditional resources in contemporary drug research, considering standardization, sustainability, and regulatory factors. Emphasizing their contemporary societal impact, it showcases traditional resource utilization in modern healthcare practices and their potential contribution to novel drug development. By embracing the confluence of ancient traditions and cutting-edge science, traditional resources offer a promising avenue for advancing integrative health care through the interdisciplinary approach of ethnopharmacology and sustainable sourcing practices.

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