Computers and Mathematics with Applications, volume 132, pages 63-72
Optimal smoothing factor with coarsening by a factor of three for the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations
Publication type: Journal Article
Publication date: 2023-02-01
SJR: 0.949
CiteScore: 5.1
Impact factor: 2.9
ISSN: 08981221, 18737668
Computational Mathematics
Computational Theory and Mathematics
Modeling and Simulation
In this work, we propose a local Fourier analysis for multigrid methods with coarsening by a factor of three for the staggered finite-difference method applied to the Stokes equations. In [1], local Fourier analysis has been applied to a mass-based Braess-Sarazin relaxation, a mass-based σ-Uzawa relaxation, and a mass-based distributive relaxation, with standard coarsening on staggered grids for the Stokes equations. Here, we consider multigrid methods with coarsening by a factor of three for these relaxation schemes. We derive theoretically optimal smoothing factors for this coarsening strategy. The optimal smoothing factors of coarsening by a factor of three are nearly equal to those obtained from standard coarsening. Thus, coarsening by a factor of three is superior computationally. Moreover, coarsening by a factor of three generates a nested hierarchy of grids, which simplifies and unifies the construction of grid-transfer operators.
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He Y. Optimal smoothing factor with coarsening by a factor of three for the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations // Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2023. Vol. 132. pp. 63-72.
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He Y. Optimal smoothing factor with coarsening by a factor of three for the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations // Computers and Mathematics with Applications. 2023. Vol. 132. pp. 63-72.
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DO - 10.1016/j.camwa.2022.12.007
UR -
TI - Optimal smoothing factor with coarsening by a factor of three for the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations
T2 - Computers and Mathematics with Applications
AU - He, Yunhui
PY - 2023
DA - 2023/02/01
PB - Elsevier
SP - 63-72
VL - 132
SN - 0898-1221
SN - 1873-7668
ER -
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BibTex (up to 50 authors)
author = {Yunhui He},
title = {Optimal smoothing factor with coarsening by a factor of three for the MAC scheme for the Stokes equations},
journal = {Computers and Mathematics with Applications},
year = {2023},
volume = {132},
publisher = {Elsevier},
month = {feb},
url = {},
pages = {63--72},
doi = {10.1016/j.camwa.2022.12.007}