Mendeleev Communications, volume 32, issue 4, pages 520-522
Nanocomposite thin film structures based on polyarylenephthalide with SWCNT and graphene oxide fillers
Publication type: Journal Article
Publication date: 2022-07-01
Mendeleev Communications
scimago Q3
wos Q3
SJR: 0.332
CiteScore: 3.0
Impact factor: 1.8
ISSN: 09599436, 1364551X
General Chemistry
Investigations of nanocomposite thin films based on polyarylene- phthalide, single-walled carbon nanotubes and graphene oxide have been carried out. Using these films as a transport layer, field-effect transistors were assembled and their output and transfer characteristics were measured. The mobility of charge carriers was estimated and the obtained values are as follows: μ PAP/GO = 0.020 cm 2 V −1 s −1 and μ PAP/SWCNT = 0.071 cm 2 V −1 s −1 .
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