Superlattices and Microstructures, volume 52, issue 4, pages 738-749

Optical spectra in the region of exciton resonances in quantum wells and quantum dots of In0.3Ga0.7As/GaAs heterostructures

N.N. Syrbu 1
V. Dorogan 1
A. Dorogan 1
T Vieru 1
V. V. Ursaki 2
V.V. Zalamai 2
Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 5 Academy Street, 2028 Chisinau, Republic of Moldova
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2012-10-01
wos Q2
Impact factor3.3
ISSN07496036, 10963677
Condensed Matter Physics
General Materials Science
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
The transparency, reflection and luminescence spectra of In0.3Ga0.7As structures with 8 nm thickness and quantum wells limited by the barrier layer GaAs of a 9 nm (upper layer) and 100 nm (bottom layer) thickness had been studied in the region of photon energy 0.5–1.6 eV. Lines associated with the transitions hh,lh1-e1(1s,2s,3s), hh2,lh2-e2(1s,2s,3s), hh1,lh1-e2(1s) and hh3,lh3-e3(1s) had been revealed in reflection spectra. The shapes of the reflection and transparency lines had been calculated using a single oscillator model of dispersion relations and the Kramers–Kronig integrals. The binding energy of hh,lh1-e1 excitons, the effective mass mhh∗ and mlh∗ and the damping factor for the optical transitions to QW and QD had been determined. The lifetime of charge carriers on quantum dots varies in the range of 0.04–0.1 ps, while the radiative lifetime of excitons in quantum wells in the considered structure is around 2 ps.

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