Polymerization of nitrogen in lithium azide.
Additional electrons can drastically change the bonding trend of light elements. For example, N atoms in alkali metal azides form the linear N3− anions instead of N2 molecules with the introduction of additional electrons. The effect of the additional electrons on the polymerization of N under pressure is important and thus far unclear. Using first principles density functional methods and the particle swarm optimization structure search algorithm, we systematically study the evolution of LiN3 structures under pressures up to 600 GPa. A stable structure featuring polymerized N under pressures higher than 375 GPa is identified for the first time. It consists of zig-zag N polymer chains that are formed by N5− five-member rings sharing N–N pairs. Throughout the stable pressure range, the structure is insulating and consists of N atoms in sp3 hybridizations. Comparing with the atomic and electronic structures of previous phases, our study completes the structural evolution of LiN3 under pressure and reveals the structural changes which are accompanied and driven by the change of atomic orbital hybridization, first from sp to sp2 and then from sp2 to sp3.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C
10 publications, 14.08%
Scientific Reports
5 publications, 7.04%
Journal of Physics Condensed Matter
5 publications, 7.04%
Inorganic Chemistry
4 publications, 5.63%
Computational Materials Science
3 publications, 4.23%
RSC Advances
3 publications, 4.23%
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
3 publications, 4.23%
Chemistry of Materials
2 publications, 2.82%
Journal of Chemical Physics
2 publications, 2.82%
AIP Advances
2 publications, 2.82%
Matter and Radiation at Extremes
2 publications, 2.82%
Solid State Communications
2 publications, 2.82%
Journal of Structural Chemistry
2 publications, 2.82%
Journal of Applied Physics
2 publications, 2.82%
Nature Chemistry
1 publication, 1.41%
Applied Physics Letters
1 publication, 1.41%
Physical Review B
1 publication, 1.41%
Modern Physics Letters B
1 publication, 1.41%
Nature Reviews Chemistry
1 publication, 1.41%
Nature Communications
1 publication, 1.41%
Journal of Physics Communications
1 publication, 1.41%
Journal of Power Sources
1 publication, 1.41%
Journal of Computational Chemistry
1 publication, 1.41%
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
1 publication, 1.41%
Journal of the American Chemical Society
1 publication, 1.41%
Journal of Physical Chemistry A
1 publication, 1.41%
ACS Omega
1 publication, 1.41%
Materials Advances
1 publication, 1.41%
1 publication, 1.41%
Journal of Materials Chemistry A
1 publication, 1.41%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
20 publications, 28.17%
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC)
11 publications, 15.49%
AIP Publishing
10 publications, 14.08%
10 publications, 14.08%
Springer Nature
8 publications, 11.27%
IOP Publishing
6 publications, 8.45%
Pleiades Publishing
2 publications, 2.82%
American Physical Society (APS)
1 publication, 1.41%
World Scientific
1 publication, 1.41%
1 publication, 1.41%
Autonomous Non-profit Organization Editorial Board of the journal Uspekhi Khimii
1 publication, 1.41%
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