Ophelia, volume 58, issue 3, pages 223-232

Growth of indigenous microorganisms in samples of crude oil in the absence of external electron acceptors

I Ferrera
T García De Oteyza
J Grimalt
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2004-12-01
Journal: Ophelia
Impact factor
Aquatic Science
Harry M., Gambier B., Bourezgui Y., Garnier-Sillam E.
2008-04-02 citations by CoLab: 38 Abstract  
A limitation of the use of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for soil DNA analysis is the contamination by humic substances. Numerous studies have been devoted to the elaboration of an effective purification method but none appears universal. During our investigations of soil bacterial changes induced by soil-feeding termites, we found that humic acid content usually impede DNA purification. Indeed, humic acids and nucleic acids share similar physicochemical properties. Here, we tested eight purification procedures including electrophoretical and chromatographical methods. The results show for DNA extracted from humic rich samples, e.g. termite mounds, that only the combination of two methods gave a DNA sufficiently pure to perform successful amplifications.
Bedessem M.E., Swoboda-Colberg N.G., Colberg P.J.
FEMS Microbiology Letters scimago Q3 wos Q3
2006-01-17 citations by CoLab: 71 Abstract  
Naphthalene was microbially transformed in sulfate-reducing laboratory microcosms established under strictly anaerobic conditions using sediment from two sulfate-rich, coal tar-contaminated aquifers and enriched over a 3-year period. As much as 66% of [14C]naphthalene was mineralized to CO2 over 13 days. Addition of sodium molybdate inhibited sulfidogenesis and resulted in a 44% reduction in total [14C]naphthalene mineralized. Methane was never detected in active naphthalene-degrading microcosms, and formation of sulfide during naphthalene degradation was confirmed using a  35SO2−4 radiotracer technique. GC/MS analyses of stabilized naphthalene-degrading consortia indicated the formation of naphthalenol as a potential metabolic intermediate. These results demonstrate that naphthalene oxidation may be coupled to sulfate reduction in aquifer-derived sediments.
Ferrera I., S�nchez O., Mas J.
2004-06-01 citations by CoLab: 21 Abstract  
This paper describes an illuminated reactor that allows the spontaneous development of biofilms aimed at the treatment of sulfide-containing streams. The reactor operates as a sulfidostat and is composed of an illuminated packed-column, in which microorganisms are exposed to constant low substrate concentrations, thereby avoiding inhibition due to high sulfide concentrations. The control system allows highly polluted streams to be oxidized by the microbial biofilm while ensuring the quality of the effluent produced. Both monospecies and multispecies biofilms have been developed. Biofilms undergo changes in light irradiance and sulfide load while providing a consistent reduction of the sulfide levels, down to micromolar concentrations. Both types of biofilm developed differ from stirred reactors in that their specific activities are lower, constituting systems with a slow dynamic behavior and, therefore, they are less sensitive to sudden disturbances.
Zhuang W.-., Tay J.-., Maszenan A.M., Krumholz L.R., Tay S.T.
Letters in Applied Microbiology scimago Q3 wos Q4
2003-03-14 citations by CoLab: 67
Rahman K.S., Rahman T., Lakshmanaperumalsamy P., Banat I.M.
Journal of Basic Microbiology scimago Q2 wos Q2
2002-08-01 citations by CoLab: 61 Abstract  
Microbial enumeration and identification were carried out on several oil contaminated soil samples collected from gasoline and diesel stations. Bacteria were the most dominant microbiota and were therefore classified to generic level. Eleven main genera were detected and Corynebacterium was the predominant genus in all the samples. Biochemical characterisation and substrate utilisation showed high percentage of lipolytic ability combined with high inorganic nitrogen utilisers. The ability of these cultures to degrade crude oil was tested individually and in mixed bacterial consortium at different temperatures and pH values. Maximum crude oil biodegradation of 78% was achieved using a bacterial consortium containing five cultures (Micrococcus sp. GS2-22, Corynebacterium sp. GS5-66, Flavobacterium sp. DS5-73, Bacillus sp. DS6-86 and Pseudomonas sp. DS10-129) with 1% crude oil at 30 degrees C and pH 7.5. Such a consortium may be useful for bioaugmentation of oil contaminated environments.
Dı́ez B., Pedrós-Alió C., Marsh T.L., Massana R.
2001-07-09 citations by CoLab: 419 Abstract  
ABSTRACT We used denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) to study the diversity of picoeukaryotes in natural marine assemblages. Two eukaryote-specific primer sets targeting different regions of the 18S rRNA gene were tested. Both primer sets gave a single band when used with algal cultures and complex fingerprints when used with natural assemblages. The reproducibility of the fingerprints was estimated by quantifying the intensities of the same bands obtained in independent PCR and DGGE analyses, and the standard error of these estimates was less than 2% on average. DGGE fingerprints were then used to compare the picoeukaryotic diversity in samples obtained at different depths and on different dates from a station in the southwest Mediterranean Sea. Both primer sets revealed significant differences along the vertical profile, whereas temporal differences at the same depths were less marked. The phylogenetic composition of picoeukaryotes from one surface sample was investigated by excising and sequencing DGGE bands. The results were compared with an analysis of a clone library and a terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism fingerprint obtained from the same sample. The three PCR-based methods, performed with three different primer sets, revealed very similar assemblage compositions; the same main phylogenetic groups were present at similar relative levels. Thus, the prasinophyte group appeared to be the most abundant group in the surface Mediterranean samples as determined by our molecular analyses. DGGE bands corresponding to prasinophytes were always found in surface samples but were not present in deep samples. Other groups detected were prymnesiophytes, novel stramenopiles (distantly related to hyphochytrids or labyrinthulids), cryptophytes, dinophytes, and pelagophytes. In conclusion, the DGGE method described here provided a reasonably detailed view of marine picoeukaryotic assemblages and allowed tentative phylogenetic identification of the dominant members.
Madigan M., Jung D., Resnick S.
Archives of Microbiology scimago Q2 wos Q3
2001-06-01 citations by CoLab: 12 Abstract  
The purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus strain B10 grew phototrophically on the aromatic compound hippurate (N-benzoyl-L-glycine) and related benzoyl amino acids. Absorption spectra, extraction, and GC/MS analysis of culture supernatants showed that hippurate was stoichiometrically converted to benzoate and glycine, with the latter used as a carbon or nitrogen source for growth. This conclusion was supported by detection of the enzyme hippuricase in permeabilized intact cells. Chemotrophic growth on hippurate by Rba. capsulatus, either at full or reduced oxygen tensions, was not observed. The type strain of Rhodobacter sphaeroides as well as four strains of Rhodopseudomonas palustris also grew phototrophically on hippurate, while several other aromatic-degrading species of purple bacteria did not.
Schauer M., Massana R., Pedrós-Alió C.
FEMS Microbiology Ecology scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2000-07-01 citations by CoLab: 153 Abstract  
Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene fragments was used to compare surface bacterioplankton assemblages along the Catalan coast (NW Mediterranean). Samples from three coastal stations were compared with samples taken inside the Barcelona harbour and open sea samples taken during a cruise. The bacterial assemblage of each sample showed a characteristic and reproducible DGGE fingerprint. Between 17 and 35 bands were detected in each sample, and about 40% of the bands accounted for more than 80% of the band intensity in each sample. The presence of bands as well as their relative intensity was used to compare bacterial assemblages. Clear differences between the harbour samples and the coastal samples were evident during all periods. Marked temporal changes in the bacterial assemblages were detectable for the coastal sites, suggesting seasonal succession of coastal bacterioplankton. During each season, two stations presented a very similar bacterial composition (Barcelona and Masnou) whereas bacterial assemblages in Blanes were slightly different. These differences were consistent with the different hydrography of the area. Diversity indices calculated from DGGE fingerprints were relatively similar for all samples analysed, even though harbour samples were expected to present lower diversity values.
Grishchenkov V.G., Townsend R.T., McDonald T.J., Autenrieth R.L., Bonner J.S., Boronin A.M.
Process Biochemistry scimago Q2 wos Q2
2000-05-01 citations by CoLab: 131 Abstract  
Nitrate-reducing bacterial strains ( Pseudomonas sp. BS2201, BS2203 and Brevibacillus sp. BS2202) isolated from petroleum-contaminated soil were capable of degrading petroleum hydrocarbons under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. Under aerobic conditions (a 10-day experiment in liquid media) the strains degraded 20–25% of the total extractable material (TEM), including up to 90–95% of all alkanes analyzed ( n -C 10 –C 35 ). Under anaerobic conditions (a 50-day experiment) these organisms degraded 15–18% of the TEM, 20–25% of some alkanes, and 15–18% of selected polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. The strains also degraded saturated hydrocarbons under anaerobic conditions in the absence of nitrates as electron acceptors.
Casamayor E.O., Schäfer H., Bañeras L., Pedrós-Alió C., Muyzer G.
2000-02-09 citations by CoLab: 305 Abstract  
ABSTRACT The microbial assemblages of Lake Cisó and Lake Vilar (Banyoles, northeast Spain) were analyzed in space and time by microscopy and by performing PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and sequence analysis of 16S rRNA gene fragments. Samples obtained from different water depths and at two different times of the year (in the winter during holomixis and in the early spring during a phytoplankton bloom) were analyzed. Although the lakes have the same climatic conditions and the same water source, the limnological parameters were different, as were most of the morphologically distinguishable photosynthetic bacteria enumerated by microscopy. The phylogenetic affiliations of the predominant DGGE bands were inferred by performing a comparative 16S rRNA sequence analysis. Sequences obtained from Lake Cisó samples were related to gram-positive bacteria and to members of the division Proteobacteria . Sequences obtained from Lake Vilar samples were related to members of the Cytophaga-Flavobacterium-Bacteroides phylum and to cyanobacteria. Thus, we found that like the previously reported differences between morphologically distinct inhabitants of the two lakes, there were also differences among the community members whose morphologies did not differ conspicuously. The changes in the species composition from winter to spring were also marked. The two lakes both contained sequences belonging to phototrophic green sulfur bacteria, which is consistent with microscopic observations, but these sequences were different from the sequences of cultured strains previously isolated from the lakes. Euryarchaeal sequences (i.e., methanogen- and thermoplasma-related sequences) also were present in both lakes. These euryarchaeal group sequences dominated the archaeal sequences in Lake Cisó but not in Lake Vilar. In Lake Vilar, a new planktonic population related to the crenarchaeota produced the dominant archaeal band. The phylogenetic analysis indicated that new bacterial and archaeal lineages were present and that the microbial diversity of these assemblages was greater than previously known. We evaluated the correspondence between the abundances of several morphotypes and DGGE bands by comparing microscopy and sequencing results. Our data provide evidence that the sequences obtained from the DGGE fingerprints correspond to the microorganisms that are actually present at higher concentrations in the natural system.
Costanzo M.C.
Nucleic Acids Research scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2000-01-01 citations by CoLab: 204 PDF Abstract  
The Yeast Proteome Database (YPDtrade mark) has been for several years a resource for organized and accessible information about the proteins of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have now extended the YPD format to create a database containing complete proteome information about the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans (WormPDtrade mark). YPD and WormPD are designed for use not only by their respective research communities but also by the broader scientific community. In both databases, information gleaned from the literature is presented in a consistent, user-friendly Protein Report format: a single Web page presenting all available knowledge about a particular protein. Each Protein Report begins with a Title Line, a concise description of the function of that protein that is continually updated as curators review new literature. Properties and functions of the protein are presented in tabular form in the upper part of the Report, and free-text annotations organized by topic are presented in the lower part. Each Protein Report ends with a comprehensive reference list whose entries are linked to their MEDLINE s. YPD and WormPD are seamlessly integrated, with extensive links between the species. They are freely accessible to academic users on the WWW at http://www. proteome.com/databases/index.html, and are available by subscription to corporate users.
Magot M., Ollivier B., Patel B.K.
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek scimago Q2 wos Q4
2000-01-01 citations by CoLab: 417 Abstract  
Although the importance of bacterial activities in oil reservoirs was recognized a long time ago, our knowledge of the nature and diversity of bacteria growing in these ecosystems is still poor, and their metabolic activities in situ largely ignored. This paper reviews our current knowledge about these bacteria and emphasises the importance of the petrochemical and geochemical characteristics in understanding their presence in such environments.
Ravenschlag K., Sahm K., Pernthaler J., Amann R.
1999-09-09 citations by CoLab: 320 Abstract  
ABSTRACT A 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone library from permanently cold marine sediments was established. Screening 353 clones by dot blot hybridization with group-specific oligonucleotide probes suggested a predominance of sequences related to bacteria of the sulfur cycle (43.4% potential sulfate reducers). Within this fraction, the major cluster (19.0%) was affiliated with Desulfotalea sp. and other closely related psychrophilic sulfate reducers isolated from the same habitat. The cloned sequences showed between 93 and 100% similarity to these bacteria. Two additional groups were frequently encountered: 13% of the clones were related to Desulfuromonas palmitatis , and a second group was affiliated with Myxobacteria spp. and Bdellovibrio spp. Many clones (18.1%) belonged to the γ subclass of the class Proteobacteria and were closest to symbiotic or free-living sulfur oxidizers. Probe target groups were further characterized by amplified rDNA restriction analysis to determine diversity within the groups and within the clone library. Rarefaction analysis suggested that the total diversity assessed by 16S rDNA analysis was very high in these permanently cold sediments and was only partially revealed by screening of 353 clones.
Ibrahim M. A. Al-Maghrabi, A. O. Bi
1999-01-01 citations by CoLab: 39 Abstract  
Several strains of thermophilic bacteria were isolated from the environment of the United Arab Emirates. These bacteria show extraordinary resistance to heat and have their maximum growth rate around 60 80 C. This article investigates the potential of using these facultative bacteria for both in situ and ex situ bioremediation of petroleum contaminants. In a series of batch experiments, bacterial growth was observed using a computer image analyzer following a recently developed technique. These experiments showed clearly that the growth rate is enhanced in the presence of crude oil. This is coupled with a rapid degradation of the crude oil. These bacteria were found to be ideal for breaking down long-chain organic molecules at a temperature of 40 C, which is the typical ambient temperature of the Persian Gulf region. The same strains of bacteria are also capable of surviving in the presence of the saline environment that can prevail in both sea water and reservoir connate water. This observation prompted ...

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