Ophelia, volume 58, issue 3, pages 283-287
Phenanthrene degradation, emulsification and surface tension activities of apseudomonas putidastrain isolated from a coastal oil contaminated microbial mat
Philippe Cuny
1, 2
Monique Acquaviva
Michèle Gilewicz
Laboratoire de Microbiologie Géochimie et Ecologie Marines, CNRS/INSU UMR 6117, Centre d'Océanologie de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée, Campus de Luminy - Case 901 , Marseille Cedex 9, France
France E-mail: cuny@mailhost.com.univ-mrs.fr
Laboratoire de Microbiologie Géochimie et Ecologie Marines, CNRS/INSU, UMR 6117, Centre d’Océanologie de Marseille, Université de la Méditerranée, Campus de Luminy, Case 901, Marseille Cedex 9, France
Publication type: Journal Article
Publication date: 2004-12-01
Aquatic Science
Kinetics of phenanthrene degradation, emulsification and surface tension activities of this hydrocarbon upon degradation by a Pseudomonas putida (COB 3-2) isolated from a coastal microbial mat were investigated. After 27 days of incubation at 20°C, 71.4±3.4 % of the initial phenanthrene amount (0.4 g l-1) were biodegraded. Observation of both tension-active and emulsifying activities indicated that biosurfactants, probably rhamnolipids, are generated. The high phenanthrene degrading capacity and biosurfactant production potential of this newly isolated P. putida strain may contribute positively to oil bioremediation processes within the microbial mat.
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