Comparing efficiencies of population control methods for responding to foreign animal disease threats in wild pigs

Nathan P. Snow
Ben Smith
Benjamin Smith
Michael Lavelle
Michael J Lavelle
Michael Glow
Michael P Glow
Christopher A. Lepczyk
Bruce Leland
Bruce R. Leland
Sarah Sherburne
Justin Fischer
Justin W. Fischer
Keely Kohen
Keely J. Kohen
Seth Cook
Seth M Cook
Hatton Smith
Kurt C. VerCauteren
Ryan Miller
Ryan S. Miller
Kim Pepin
Kim M. Pepin
Show full list: 23 authors
Publication typePosted Content
Publication date2024-07-29

Introductions of foreign animal diseases (FADs) into free-ranging wildlife can be difficult to control and devastating for domestic livestock trade. Combating a new FAD introduction in wildlife with an emergency response requires quickly limiting spread of the disease by intensely removing wild animals and recovering their carcasses for proper disposal. In the case of African swine fever virus (ASFv) in wild pigs (Sus scrofa), which has been spreading in many regions of the world, there is little information on the time- and cost-efficiency of methods for intensively and consistently removing wild pigs and recovering carcasses in an emergency response scenario. We compared the efficiencies of aerial operations, trapping, an experimental toxic bait, and ground shooting in northcentral Texas, USA during two months in 2023. Removing and recovering carcasses of wild pigs averaged a rate of 0.15 wild pigs/person hour and cost an average of $233.04/wild pig ($USD 2023) across all four methods. Aerial operations required the greatest initial investment but subsequently was the most time- and cost-efficient, costing an average of $7,266 to incrementally reduce the population by 10% including recovering carcasses. Aerial operations required a ground crew of ∼7 people/helicopter to recover carcasses. Costs for reducing the population of wild pigs using trapping were similar, although took 13.5 times longer to accomplish. A benefit of trapping was carcass recovery was incorporated. Toxic baiting was less efficient because carcass recovery required substantial time, and we removed very few wild pigs with ground shooting in this landscape. We recommend combining aerial and trapping methodologies to remove wild pigs and their carcasses efficiently and effectively during a FAD response. Overall, our findings can inform the preparation of resources, personnel needs, and deployment readiness for FAD responses involving wild pigs.






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