Queuing model for SIP server hysteretic overload control with K-state MMPP bursty traffic
Publication type: Proceedings Article
Publication date: 2014-10-01
In this paper, we develop a mathematical model of a load control mechanism for SIP server signaling networks based on a hysteretic technique. We investigate loss-based overload control, as proposed in recent IETF documents. The queuing model takes into account three types of system state - normal load, overload, and discard. The hysteretic control is made possible by introducing two thresholds, L and H, in the buffer of total size R. We constructed an analytical model of SIP server with K-state MMPP flow, input flow and bi-level hysteretic overload control mechanism to investigate the performance indicators of a SIP server in the case of bursty input message flow. Algorithms for computation the key performance parameters of the system were introduced. A numerical example illustrating the control mechanism that minimizes the return time from overloading states satisfying the throttling and mean control cycle time constraints is also presented.
International Journal of Communication Systems
1 publication, 33.33%
IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India)
1 publication, 33.33%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
1 publication, 33.33%
1 publication, 33.33%
Taylor & Francis
1 publication, 33.33%
Springer Nature
1 publication, 33.33%
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