Enhancement of IT student projects using 3D technology
Lublin University of Technology, Institute of Computer Science
Publication type: Proceedings Article
Publication date: 2017-04-01
Many practical classes at technical universities develop various student skills. The curricula of IT programs include practical classes. A collaborative project is an example of such a class. Students work in small groups and perform tasks in assigned projects. While the work is being done, students learn many skills that will be useful in their future professional careers. Universities may allow students to use professional equipment for both improving their competencies and increasing the quality of their projects. Students may be more eager to participate in these types of projects. The purpose of this paper is to present a proposal for the implementation of sophisticated project classes for computer science students using an optical motion capture laboratory. Additionally, a survey among ICT students at a technical university was conducted. The results show how familiar students are with motion capture technology and game development software. Students also indicated which part of the project they wanted to participate in. The results clearly show that there is a deficiency in 3D skills among computer science students. They are aware of this and would like to become more familiar with modern technologies. They are eager to attend classes that use a motion capture system. The students are the most interested in using game engines to create games. They are also interested in creating 3D models and defining moves. They are the least interested in performing the tedious post-processing step. The presented projects using modern technologies are an important step in creating a new generation of classes.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
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