SEGP-Finder: Tool for identification of Soft Error Glitch-Propagating paths at gate level
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering , Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Publication type: Proceedings Article
Publication date: 2011-12-01
An increase in vulnerability to soft errors has affected the reliability of both synchronous and asynchronous nanometer scale integrated circuits. Hence in such circuits there is a growing need to identify the soft error glitch propagation possibility before their physical design implementation. This paper proposes a new tool, the Soft Error Glitch-Propagating path Finder (SEGP-Finder), able to analyze the propagation of soft errors at gate level. In SEGP-Finder, soft error modeling is accomplished via Multiway Decision Graphs (MDGs) and Glitch Propagation sets (GP sets). To demonstrate the effectiveness of our tool, several ISCAS89 sequential benchmark circuits, 4-bit and 8-bit adders, 4-bit multiplier, and the Self-timed multiple-group pipeline asynchronous handshake circuit have been analyzed. Results indicate that SEGP-Finder is on average more than 5 times faster, without compromising on the accuracy, in comparison with simulation-based and SAT (satisfiability analysis) based techniques.
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