Impact of reviewing lifelogging photos on recalling episodic memories

Passant El Agroudy 1
Tonja-Katrin Machulla 1
Rufat Rzayev 1
Tilman Dingler 1
Markus Funk 1
Albrecht Schmidt 1
Geoff Ward 2
Sarah Clinch 3
Publication typeProceedings Article
Publication date2016-09-12
Photos are a rich and popular form for preserving memories. Thus, they are widely used as cues to augment human memory. Near-continuous capture and sharing of photos have generated a need to summarize and review relevant photos to revive important events. However, there is limited work on exploring how regular reviewing of selected photos influence overall recall of past events. In this paper, we present an experiment to investigate the effect of regular reviewing of egocentric lifelogging photos on the formation and retrieval of autobiographic memories. Our approach protects the privacy of the participants and provides improved validation for their memory performance compared to existing approaches. The results of our experiment are a step towards developing memory shaping algorithms that accentuate or attenuate memories on demand.



IEEE Access
1 publication, 20%
IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
1 publication, 20%
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
1 publication, 20%


Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
1 publication, 20%
Springer Nature
1 publication, 20%
Taylor & Francis
1 publication, 20%
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