Zootaxa, volume 5397, issue 2, pages 239-250

Catamicrophyllum beroni sp. nov.—the first European record of the genus Catamicrophyllum Verhoeff, 1901 (Diplopoda: Julida: Julidae)

Institute of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Research at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences; 2 Yurii Gagarin Street; 1113; Sofia; Bulgaria
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2024-01-04
Journal: Zootaxa
scimago Q2
wos Q3
Impact factor0.8
ISSN11755326, 11755334
Animal Science and Zoology
Ecology, Evolution, Behavior and Systematics

A new species of Catamicrophyllum Verhoeff, 1901, Catamicrophyllum beroni sp. nov., is described from Rila Mts, southwest Bulgaria. The new species is compared to its most similar congener, Catamicrophyllum caucasicum (Attems, 1901) known from the Caucasus and Eastern Anatolia, including descriptive notes and scanning electron micrographs of the latter. The remarkably disjunct distribution areas of the two species are briefly discussed in the context of similar distribution patterns in other members of Julidae. In addition, some ecological notes and conservation issues in connection with the climatic changes occurring in the area of the type locality of C. beroni sp. nov. are presented.  

Zootaxa scimago Q2 wos Q3
2023-02-09 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
The European millipede genus Micropachyiulus Verhoeff, 1899 is revised based on type and non-type material, and on the available literature. The genus Hylopachyiulus Attems, 1904 is established as a junior subjective synonym of Micropachyiulus, syn. nov. Micropachyiulus ocellatus (Antić & Akkari, 2018) is thus listed as a new combination, comb. nov. Two new species—Micropachyiulus caucasicus sp. nov. and M. filiformis sp. nov.—are described from Russia and Romania, respectively. In addition, a presumably closely related monospecific genus, Armeniopachyiulus gen. nov., and its sole species A. pokr gen. et sp. nov. are described from Armenia. A brief discussion on the systematics and distribution of the studied taxa is presented.
Gilgado J.D., Rusterholz H., Baur B.
2021-10-08 citations by CoLab: 14 Abstract  
Climate warming is predicted to result in changes to phenology, behaviour and abundance as well as poleward shifts or upslope displacements of the distribution of species. However, climate-warming induced changes in distribution patterns have rarely been studied in ground-dwelling arthropods. We investigated changes in the upper elevational limit and relative abundance of 11 millipede species by repeating historical surveys from 1917 to 1919 in five valleys in the Swiss National Park (Eastern Alps) in 2018–2019. We found that the upper elevational limit for 10 out of 11 millipede species has risen, on average, by 161 m in 100 years, accompanying a 1.5 °C rise in mean annual temperature in the investigation area. The 10 millipede species differed in upslope expansion of their distribution with the shift ranging from 50 m to 363 m. The relative abundances of species (percentage of individuals sampled for each of the 11 millipede species) were very similar in 1917–1919 and 2018–2019. Only three species showed a change in frequency >6% over 100 years: two species had reduced abundances by 13.7% and 12.5% in the recent survey, while one species increased in abundance by 12.2%. We provide evidence showing that soil-dwelling millipede species with low dispersal ability have raised their upper distribution limit to higher elevation between the surveys done in 1917–1919 and 2018–2019. This upslope shift in distribution is most probably due to the significant increase in temperature recorded in the investigation area in past decades.
Zootaxa scimago Q2 wos Q3
2020-05-14 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
The generic classification of the Palaearctic tribe Leptoiulini is revised, with 11 genera being recognized. The main differences between the genera, all presented in a tabular form, lie in the structure of the 2nd and 7th leg-pairs of the male, coupled with gonopodal conformations: the presence/absence and the degree of development of flagella on the promeres, and of the phylacum and velum on the opisthomeres. Based on abundant new material, only three genera and seven species of Leptoiulini, all keyed, mapped and properly illustrated, are shown to occur in the Caucasus: Chatoleptophyllum flexum Golovatch, 1979, Kubaniulus gracilis Lohmander, 1936, K. lativelatus sp. nov., Leptoiulus hastatus Lohmander, 1932 (= L. disparatus Lohmander, 1936, syn. n.), L. tanymorphus (Attems, 1901), L. meskhii sp. nov., and L. gonopodialis sp. nov. All species are endemic or subendemic to the region, while Kubaniulus Lohmander, 1936 represents the only genus in the tribe which is restricted to the Caucasus, in particular, the western and central parts of the Caucasus Major. The distributions are mainly allopatric, but a few pairs of species are para- or even sympatric. 
Kokhia M.S., Golovatch S.I.
ZooKeys scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2018-03-07 citations by CoLab: 8 Abstract  
The diplopod fauna of Georgia, Transcaucasia, is very rich given the country’s relatively small territory, presently comprising 95 species from 42 genera, 12 families, and seven orders. Most of the Diplopoda known from Georgia are subendemics (39 species, or 38%), shared with one or more neighbouring countries, but another 33 species (33%) are strict endemics, nearly all highly localized, including 12 presumed troglobites. Several genera are likewise endemic to Georgia, including a few troglobionts. Within Georgia, the fauna of the western part (= Colchis) is particularly rich and diverse, the faunas of the central and eastern parts of the country growing increasingly depauperate inland and apparently following a rather gradual climatic aridisation gradient from west (the Black Sea coast) to east (Armenia and Azerbaijan). Much more work to include alpine and cave environments is required in order to reveal and refine the real diversity of Georgia’s Diplopoda.
Zootaxa scimago Q2 wos Q3
2017-05-10 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
The present paper records new and poorly known myriapods (Diplopoda, Chilopoda) collected in Bulgaria in the last 10 years. Four new species are reported as new to the Bulgarian fauna: Lithobius melanops Newport, 1845 (Chilopoda: Lithobiomorpha: Lithodiidae), Polydesmus collaris C.L. Koch, 1847, Polydesmus inconstans Latzel, 1884 and Polydesmus schaessburgensis Verhoeff, 1898 (Diplopoda: Polydesmida: Polydesmidae). Scanning electron micrographs of the gonopods and male leg-pairs 5 and 6 are provided for the first time for Bulgarosoma superficiei Strasser, 1975, a species hitherto known only from its original description. This article presents also an updated list of Myriapoda in Bulgaria. The list includes a total of 251 (sub-)species of the classes Diplopoda (127), Chilopoda (104), Pauropoda (18) and Symphyla (2).
Zootaxa scimago Q2 wos Q3
2012-03-09 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
A Balkan checklist of the millipede genus Megaphyllum Verhoeff, 1894 has been compiled on the basis of literature data, new collections, and reexamination of type and non-type material. Forty-seven species and subspecies are represented in the peninsula, including four species new to science: M. chiosense Lazanyi & Korsos sp. n. from Chios Island, M. cygniforme Lazanyi & Korsos sp. n. from East Macedonia, M. danyii Lazanyi & Korsos sp. n. and M. digitatum Lazanyi & Korsos sp. n. both from the Peloponnese, Greece. The following new synonymies are established: M. monticola (Verhoeff, 1898) syn. n. of M. carniolense (Verhoeff, 1897); M. latesquamosum (Attems, 1903) syn. n. and M. macedonicum (Strasser, 1976) syn. n. of M. montivagum (Verhoeff, 1901). M. species inquirenda is posed from Andros Island, Greece, on the basis of gonopod slide preparations, labeled by Strasser but never published. M. mueggenburgi (Verhoeff, 1901) comb. nov. is suggested, from the genus Cerabrachyiulus Verhoeff, 1901, previously Chromatoiulus Verhoeff, 1894. Species new to the fauna are: M. bosniense (Verhoeff, 1897) new to the fauna of Greece; M. imbecillum (Attems, 1935) and M. montivagum new to the Republic of Macedonia; and M. lictor (Attems, 1904) new to the fauna of Turkey (European part). The following species have been found and localities are published for the first or second time since their original description: M. euphorbiarum (Verhoeff, 1900), M. lamellifer (Strasser, 1974), M. loebli (Strasser, 1974), M. metsovoni (Strasser, 1976), M. recticauda recticauda (Attems, 1903), and M. taygeti (Strasser, 1976). Thirty-nine species and subspecies are endemic to the Balkan Peninsula, they can be grouped as: (1) species having a wide distribution range; (2) strict endemics of smaller regions; (3) species inhabiting the Peloponnese; and (4) species inhabiting the Greek islands. The Peloponnese and the Rhodopes seem to be remarkably important regions for speciation.
Enghoff H.
Journal of Natural History scimago Q2 wos Q3
1995-06-01 citations by CoLab: 14 Abstract  
The julid tribes Paectophyllini (syn.: Symphyoiulini, Catamicrophyllini) and Calyptophyllini are revised. The following genera and species of Paectophyllini are described or redescribed: Paectophyllum escherichii Verhoeff, 1898 (Turkey), P. ferrugineum n.sp. (Turkey), Macheiroiulus compressicauda Verhoeff, 1901 (Greece), M. martini n.sp. (Turkey), M. libicus Manfredi, 1939 (Libya), Catamicrophyllum caifanum Verhoeff, 1900 (Israel, Lebanon, Cyprus, Turkey, Iran), C. depressum n.sp. (Turkey), C. depressissimum n.sp. (Syria), C. caucasicum (Attems, 1901) n. comb. (Turkey, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaidjan), C. tholicolepis n.sp. (Iran), C. montanum Verhoeff, 1923 (Israel, Lebanon), C. hamuligerum Verhoeff, 1900 (Israel), C. mesorientale n.sp. (Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq), C. cat n.sp. (Turkey), C. strongylodactylon n.sp. (Turkey). Anuroleptophyllum Attems, 1901, is placed in synonymy of Catamicrophyllum Verhoeff, 1900. C. genezarethanum Verhoeff, 1923 is a questionable synonym of C. montanum. Supplementary notes are ...

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