A study of the effect of grinding machine parameters on acoustic rail roughness and surface quality
Rail grinding is performed by infrastructure managers to control, reduce or prevent the growth of rail defects, such as rolling contact fatigue and corrugation. This is done using preventive methods (to attempt to prevent defects from forming) or corrective methods (to remove defects present in the rail). Trials were undertaken on preventive rail grinding machines used by Network Rail, with the aim of improving the finished quality of the rail whilst still achieving the metal removal and reprofiling required. An important aspect considered in the trials was the acoustic rail roughness and its relationship with grinding surface quality indices. The results demonstrated that, in the case of the operational machines used by Network Rail, the largest impact on the overall surface quality was the age and conditioning of the grinding stones. The trials also demonstrated the differences in Standard requirements for achieving good surface quality indices for grinding and good acoustic roughness levels. They further highlighted the importance of identifying rail corrugation prior to preventive grinding to reduce the likelihood of the grinding signature increasing roughness at corrugation wavelengths.