An integrated approach for fatigue design of rail vehicle suspensions under block loading
In this case study, we introduce a new approach by applying the most recent fatigue criterion, effective tensile stress, to a rail vehicle suspension spring for the first time. Without the need for curve fitting, this criterion can effectively predict fatigue life under positive and negative R ratios. We defined a general S-N function and failure rates based on published results from cylindrical dumbbell samples on 30 fatigue cases. The measured load-displacement curve validated the material model with an elastic constant ratio. Blocks of three different loading sets were applied to a rail vehicle suspension spring for 125k cycles. One crack initiation was observed at 82k cycles and propagated to 97 mm after the test. We successfully predicted crack initiation at 81k cycles (with a failure rate of 7%) and 92k cycles (with a failure rate of 10%) using the Palmgren–Miner law. This prediction agreed with the experiment’s observation, demonstrating the approach’s reliability. The general S-N function could be used for the design and failure analysis of rail vehicle suspensions, providing reassurance in the design process.