Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, volume 68, issue 1, pages 487-492

Using Human-Centered Design to Decrease the Risk of Toileting in Hospitals for Patients and Clinicians

Kate O'Neill 1
Molly Doran 1
Keelin Davie 1
Anthony Andreano 1
Stephanie Tulk Jesso 1
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2024-09-27
Impact factor
ISSN10711813, 21695067

Patient falls are common injuries in hospitals, and many occur surrounding a patient’s need to use the bathroom. In this study, we used the TripTech Method to design and evaluate early-stage design concepts for fall prevention and reduction of occupational injury associated with toileting falls. Nurse participants saw an opportunity in getting their patients to engage in their own recovery in increase the potential for cooperation, and also desired tools which could make the process physically easier for staff and patients which were also accessible when needed. Participants also discussed concerns about higher-tech tools, including affordability issues which could lead to further healthcare disparity. Overall, our research demonstrates how human-centered methods are valuable in focusing design efforts on the most pressing challenges experienced by users to avoid wasted investment in ineffective or unwanted technology.


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