Naturalistic Observations of Human Driving Perceptions and Vehicle Kinematics at Stop Sign-Controlled Intersections
Understanding the human factors of how drivers perceive hazards and behave at stop sign-controlled intersections is essential for developing effective roadway features. This study aimed to evaluate the naturalistic behaviors of drivers at stop sign-controlled intersections and to assess the speeds at which drivers maneuvered through stop signs when no cross-traffic was present. To this end, 62 vehicles were analyzed in two, two-lane, four-way roadway intersections in Michigan. Results of this study indicate that most drivers slow to non-zero minimum speeds before traveling through an intersection and measurably encroach beyond stop lines. Assessment of lines of sight and visual obstructions at the subject intersections indicate that drivers’ perceptions of risk, evaluation of potential hazards, and cost of compliance ultimately impact behavior, as seen through vehicle kinematics.