EXPRESS: Beyond Strong Bonds: a Typology and Motivational Insights into Online Brand Defenders
In recent years, more and more consumers have defended brands online against criticism. Despite the high relevance of consumer brand defense (CBD) when recovering from adverse critique such as NWOM online, our understanding of the motives that drive CBD beyond emotionally intense consumer-brand connections remains limited. Building on a social media analysis of the phenomenon, qualitative in-depth interviews with consumers who defend brands, and a survey among brand defenders, we provide a better understanding of the motivational and relational drivers as well as the context factors of CBD. Specifically, our results show that brand defenders are driven by the motives of reciprocal altruism, equity restoration, and egoism as well as relational factors including brand satisfaction and attachment. Using a large-scale study with 570 actual brand defenders along with subsequent cluster analysis, we distinguish three distinct brand defender types: Brand promoters, justice promoters, and self-promoters. These defender types not only differ in their behavior but also in terms of contextual factors related to consumer characteristics, brand-related criticism, and company-related dynamics that influence their active engagement in CBD. Applying the distinct characteristics of the three defender types, we discuss how managers can more effectively motivate consumers to defend their brand online.