Dynamic Information Processing of Signage Advertising Embedded in VR-Mediated Sports Through Real-Time Eye-Tracking and Biometric Measures
The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of media type (2D vs. VR) and signage location (center vs. periphery) on the cognitive processing of signage advertising during sporting events. The rapid growth of the virtual reality (VR) sports market has led to widespread integration of sports content into virtual reality services. Despite this, academic exploration of such services remains in its early stages. Using the framework of the dynamic human-centered communication systems theory (DHCCST), this research examines the effects of media type (2D vs. VR) and signage advertising location (center vs. periphery) on cognitive processing of advertising during sporting events. In an experiment, participants viewed a sports game in either 2D or VR format. Real-time biometric measures assessed attentional resources and visual attention, while memory tests evaluated brand memory performance. VR, compared to 2-D, sports viewing trended toward eliciting greater cognitive resource allocation during the periods when signage advertising was presented during the game but significantly decreased visual attention and impaired brand memory for ads. Further, advertising placed centrally received better visual attention and facilitated brand memory compared to advertising in the periphery, regardless of media type. The interaction effect between media type and signage location on attentional outcomes was minimal. Results are discussed in light of the DHCCST and to offer practical insights for designing content to enhance sponsor effectiveness in VR sports programming.