Open Access
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Addiction science & clinical practice, volume 20, issue 1, publication number 17

Individual differences in treatment effects of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy in primary care: a moderation analysis of a randomized clinical trial

Karin Hyland 1, 2
Danilo Romero 1, 2
Sven Andreasson 1, 2, 3
Anders Hammarberg 1, 2
Erik Hedman-Lagerlöf 4, 5
Magnus Johansson 1, 2
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2025-02-14
scimago Q1
wos Q1
Impact factor3.7
ISSN19400632, 19400640
Background and aims

Little is known regarding predictors of outcome in treatment of alcohol dependence via the internet and in primary care. The aim of the present study was to investigate the role of socio-demographic and clinical factors for outcomes in internet-based cognitive behavioral treatment (ICBT) added to treatment as usual (TAU) for alcohol dependence in primary care.


Secondary analyses based on data from a randomized controlled trial in which participants were randomized to ICBT + TAU or to TAU only.


The study was conducted in collaboration with 14 primary care centers in Stockholm, Sweden.


The randomized trial included 264 adult primary care patients with alcohol dependence enrolled between September 2017 and November 2019.


Patients in the parent trial were randomized to ICBT that was added to TAU (n = 132) or to TAU only (n = 132). ICBT was a 12-week intervention based on motivational interviewing, relapse prevention and behavioral self-control training.


Primary outcome was number of standard drinks last 30 days. Sociodemographic and clinical predictors were tested in separate models using linear mixed effects models.


Severity of dependence, assessed by ICD-10 criteria for alcohol dependence, was the only predictor for changes in alcohol consumption and the only moderator of the effect of treatment. Participants with severe dependence showed a larger reduction in alcohol consumption between baseline and 3-months follow-up compared to participants with moderate dependence. The patients with moderate dependence continued to reduce their alcohol consumption between 3- and 12-months follow-up, while patients with severe dependence did not.


Dependence severity predicted changes in alcohol consumption following treatment of alcohol dependence in primary care, with or without added ICBT. Dependence severity was also found to moderate the effect of treatment. The results suggest that treatment for both moderate and severe alcohol dependence is viable in primary care.

Clinical trial registration: The study was approved by the Regional Ethics Board in Stockholm, no. 2016/1367–31/2. The study protocol was published in Trials 30 December 2019. The trial identifier is ISRCTN69957414, available at, assigned 7 June 2018, retrospectively registered.

Romero D., Rozental A., Carlbring P., Johansson M., Franck J., Berman A.H., Lindner P.
2024-12-01 citations by CoLab: 1 Abstract  
Most individuals attending detoxification clinics do not pursue subsequent treatment. Earlier research has suggested that emerging technologies like mHealth interventions could address the postdetoxification treatment gap, yet it remains unclear whether patients themselves endorse such approaches. Our study aimed to qualitatively explore perceived treatment barriers and assessed potential of mHealth among individuals who have undergone alcohol detoxification.
Berardi C., Antonini M., Jordan Z., Wechtler H., Paolucci F., Hinwood M.
BMC Health Services Research scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2024-02-26 citations by CoLab: 24 PDF Abstract  
Abstract Background Despite the potential for improved population mental health and wellbeing, the integration of mental health digital interventions has been difficult to achieve. In this qualitative systematic review, we aimed to identify barriers and facilitators to the implementation of digital technologies in mental healthcare systems, and map these to an implementation framework to inform policy development. Methods We searched Medline, Embase, Scopus, PsycInfo, Web of Science, and Google Scholar for primary research articles published between January 2010 and 2022. Studies were considered eligible if they reported barriers and/or facilitators to the integration of any digital mental healthcare technologies. Data were extracted using EPPI-Reviewer Web and analysed thematically via inductive and deductive cycles. Results Of 12,525 references identified initially, 81 studies were included in the final analysis. Barriers and facilitators were grouped within an implementation (evidence-practice gap) framework across six domains, organised by four levels of mental healthcare systems. Broadly, implementation was hindered by the perception of digital technologies as impersonal tools that add additional burden of care onto both providers and patients, and change relational power asymmetries; an absence of resources; and regulatory complexities that impede access to universal coverage. Facilitators included person-cantered approaches that consider patients’ intersectional features e.g., gender, class, disability, illness severity; evidence-based training for providers; collaboration among colleagues; appropriate investment in human and financial resources; and policy reforms that tackle universal access to digital health. Conclusion It is important to consider the complex and interrelated nature of barriers across different domains and levels of the mental health system. To facilitate the equitable, sustainable, and long-term digital transition of mental health systems, policymakers should consider a systemic approach to collaboration between public and private sectors to inform evidence-based planning and strengthen mental health systems. Protocol registration The protocol is registered on PROSPERO, CRD42021276838.
Hyland K., Hammarberg A., Hedman‐Lagerlöf E., Johansson M., Lindner P., Andreasson S.
Addiction scimago Q1 wos Q1
2023-02-23 citations by CoLab: 9
Finn S.W., Mejldal A., Nielsen A.S.
BMC Health Services Research scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2023-01-24 citations by CoLab: 22 PDF Abstract  
Abstract Background Alcohol use disorders (AUD) are among the most highly stigmatized medical conditions. Only a minority of individuals with AUD seek treatment, and stigma is one of the most prominent barriers to treatment-seeking. However, there is a lack of knowledge about the associations between stigma and preferences for help-seeking, and the associations between stigma and preferences for treatment seeking. Aim to investigate the associations between stigma and preferences for where to seek help and treatment for AUD. As sub-analyses, associations between stigma, level of alcohol use and preferences for help-seeking and treatment preferences will be analyzed. Method Cross-sectional design, including n = 3037 participants aged 30 – 65 years, living in Denmark. Data: In 2020, an online questionnaire was administered by a market research company. The questionnaire covered demographics, preferences for help-seeking and treatment for AUD, stigma measured with the Difference, Disdain & Blame Scales for Public Stigma, and alcohol use measured with the Alcohol Use Disorder Test (AUDIT). Analyses: restricted cubic spline models were applied to model outcomes. Odds ratios were calculated. Results A lower level of stigma was associated with a higher probability of preferring formal and informal help-seeking for AUD. Both high and low levels of stigma were associated with a higher probability of preferring to consult general practitioners. Stigma was not associated with other preferences for treatment-seeking, nor trying to change oneself or a passive strategy. The sub-analyses, grouped by level of alcohol use, showed similar results. Conclusion Stigma is associated with lower preferences for formal and informal help-seeking, however not type of treatment preferred. Future studies should address stigma in relation to other factors of the treatment-seeking process.
Nilsen P., Andréasson S.
2022-11-09 citations by CoLab: 3
Lunde L., Carlsen S.L., Repål A., Nordgreen T.
Internet Interventions scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2022-04-01 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
Alcohol is the third leading risk factor for burden of disease in the world, causing significant health damage to the individual as well as costs to the surroundings and society as whole. Internet-delivered psychological interventions may help the individual to address alcohol consumption at an early stage before it develops into more serious problems. There is a need to investigate how participants experience internet-delivered interventions for hazardous and harmful drinking to optimize its usefulness in the target population. The present study was part of an open pre-post pilot trial to evaluate the feasibility and acceptability of a therapist-guided internet-delivered cognitive behavioural intervention for hazardous and harmful alcohol use. The aim was to investigate participants` experiences of the intervention and the ways in which the intervention helped them to address their alcohol consumption. Fifteen participants were selected from the open pre-post trial ( n = 32), and semi-structured interviews were conducted immediately after participants had completed the treatment. The interviews were analysed using Thematic Analysis. The results indicate that most of the participants found the intervention to be useful. Participants reported that the intervention made them more aware of the consequences of excessive drinking and gave them tools to cope with their alcohol consumption. Among the perceived advantages were the flexibility and anonymity of the intervention and therapist support. Participants called for more individualisation of the treatment to meet individual needs. A therapist-guided internet-delivered intervention for hazardous and harmful drinking can help individuals to address their alcohol consumption and give them tools to cope with their drinking. Future studies should examine the feasibility of tailoring modules to individual needs. • We investigated participant experiences of an Internet-delivered intervention for hazardous alcohol use. • Participants found the intervention helpful in reducing alcohol consumption. • Perceived advantages were therapist support and the flexibility and anonymity of the intervention.
Freyer-Adam J., Baumann S., Bischof G., Staudt A., Goeze C., Gaertner B., John U.
JMIR Mental Health scimago Q1 wos Q1 Open Access
2022-01-28 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
Background Social equity in the efficacy of behavior change intervention is much needed. While the efficacy of brief alcohol interventions (BAIs), including digital interventions, is well established, particularly in health care, the social equity of interventions has been sparsely investigated. Objective We aim to investigate whether the efficacy of computer-based versus in-person delivered BAIs is moderated by the participants’ socioeconomic status (ie, to identify whether general hospital patients with low-level education and unemployed patients may benefit more or less from one or the other way of delivery compared to patients with higher levels of education and those that are employed). Methods Patients with nondependent at-risk alcohol use were identified through systematic offline screening conducted on 13 general hospital wards. Patients were approached face-to-face and asked to respond to an app for self-assessment provided by a mobile device. In total, 961 (81% of eligible participants) were randomized and received their allocated intervention: computer-generated and individually tailored feedback letters (CO), in-person counseling by research staff trained in motivational interviewing (PE), or assessment only (AO). CO and PE were delivered on the ward and 1 and 3 months later, were based on the transtheoretical model of intentional behavior change and required the assessment of intervention data prior to each intervention. In CO, the generation of computer-based feedback was created automatically. The assessment of data and sending out feedback letters were assisted by the research staff. Of the CO and PE participants, 89% (345/387) and 83% (292/354) received at least two doses of intervention, and 72% (280/387) and 54% (191/354) received all three doses of intervention, respectively. The outcome was change in grams of pure alcohol per day after 6, 12, 18, and 24 months, with the latter being the primary time-point of interest. Follow-up interviewers were blinded. Study group interactions with education and employment status were tested as predictors of change in alcohol use using latent growth modeling. Results The efficacy of CO and PE did not differ by level of education (P=.98). Employment status did not moderate CO efficacy (Ps≥.66). Up to month 12 and compared to employed participants, unemployed participants reported significantly greater drinking reductions following PE versus AO (incidence rate ratio 0.44, 95% CI 0.21-0.94; P=.03) and following PE versus CO (incidence rate ratio 0.48, 95% CI 0.24–0.96; P=.04). After 24 months, these differences were statistically nonsignificant (Ps≥.31). Conclusions Computer-based and in-person BAI worked equally well independent of the patient’s level of education. Although findings indicate that in the short-term, unemployed persons may benefit more from BAI when delivered in-person rather than computer-based, the findings suggest that both BAIs have the potential to work well among participants with low socioeconomic status. Trial Registration NCT01291693;
Romero D., Johansson M., Hermansson U., Lindner P.
Frontiers in Psychiatry scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2021-09-27 citations by CoLab: 3 PDF Abstract  
Background: Numerous trials have demonstrated the efficacy of internet interventions targeting alcohol or cannabis use, yet a substantial proportion of users do not benefit from the format, warranting further research to identify moderators of treatment effects. Users' initial attitudes toward treatment is a potential moderator, yet no previous study has investigated users' attitudes in the context of internet interventions for addictive disorders.Method: In this secondary analysis on two internet-based trials targeting harmful alcohol use (n = 1,169) and regular cannabis use (n = 303), respectively, we compared user groups' attitudes at the item level; explored within-group heterogeneity by submitting attitude scores to a k-means cluster analysis; and investigated whether latent subgroups in each user group moderated the treatment effects. Outcome models were run using generalized linear models with 10,000 bias-corrected bootstraps accounting for subject-level clustering.Results: While substance groups and latent subgroups converged in enjoying the anonymity provided by the format, their interest toward treatment differed. Outcome analyses revealed a significant and negative time by subgroup effect on grams of cannabis consumed and screening test score (CAST), favoring the subgroup with positive treatment attitudes. There were not any significant effects of subgroup on alcohol consumption. Despite initial treatment reluctance, participants in the neutral subgroup decreased their cannabis use (gram) significantly when receiving the intervention vs. control.Conclusions: This first, exploratory study revealed key differences between substance groups' attitudes, but more importantly that within-group heterogeneity appear to affect cannabis outcomes. Assessing attitudes could be key in patient-treatment matching, yet more research is needed.
Kilian C., Manthey J., Carr S., Hanschmidt F., Rehm J., Speerforck S., Schomerus G.
2021-05-10 citations by CoLab: 93
Lüdecke D., Ben-Shachar M., Patil I., Waggoner P., Makowski D.
2021-04-21 citations by CoLab: 2538
Hyland K., Hammarberg A., Andreasson S., Jirwe M.
2021-04-03 citations by CoLab: 6 PDF Abstract  
To describe general practitioners' (GPs) attitudes to the management of patients with alcohol dependence in primary care and current treatment routines and their view on a new treatment approach; internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (iCBT).A qualitative interview study with ten GPs participating in a randomized controlled trial. The interviews were analyzed using qualitative content analysis.The participating GPs were recruited via purposeful sampling from primary care clinics in Stockholm.The GPs were participants in an RCT investigating if iCBT when added to treatment as usual (TAU) was more effective than TAU only when treating alcohol dependence in primary care.The GPs found alcohol important to discuss in many consultations and perceived most patients open to discuss their alcohol habits. Lack of training and treatment options were expressed as limiting factors when working with alcohol dependence. According to the respondents, routines for treating alcohol dependence were rare.GPs believed that iCBT might facilitate raising questions about alcohol use and thought iCBT may serve as an attractive treatment option to some patients. The iCBT program did not require GPs to acquire skills in behavioral treatment, which could make implementation more feasible.KEY POINTSAlcohol dependence is highly prevalent, has a large treatment gap and is relevant to discuss with patients in many consultations in primary care.This study is based on interviews with 10 GPs participating in a randomized controlled trial comparing internet-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (iCBT) for alcohol-dependent patients to treatment as usual.GPs viewed alcohol habits as important to discuss and they perceived most patients are open to discuss this.The access to iCBT seemed to increase GPs' willingness to ask questions about alcohol and was viewed as an attractive treatment for some patients.The iCBT program did not require GPs to acquire skills in behavioral treatment, which might be timesaving and make implementation more feasible.
Rombouts S.A., Conigrave J.H., Saitz R., Louie E., Haber P., Morley K.C.
2020-12-05 citations by CoLab: 12 PDF Abstract  
Pharmacological and behavioural treatments for alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are effective but the uptake is limited. Primary care could be a key setting for identification and continuous care for AUD due to accessibility, low cost and acceptability to patients. We aimed to synthesise the literature regarding differential models of care for the management of AUD in primary health care settings. We conducted a systematic review of articles published worldwide (1998-present) using the following databases; Medline, PsycINFO, Cochrane database of systematic reviews, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials and Embase. The Grey Matters Tool guided the grey literature search. We selected randomised controlled trials evaluating the effectiveness of a primary care model in the management of AUD. Two researchers independently assessed and then reached agreement on the included studies. We used the Cochrane risk of bias tool 2.0 for the critical appraisal. Eleven studies (4186 participants) were included. We categorised the studies into ‘lower’ versus ‘higher’ intensity given the varying intensity of clinical care evaluated across the studies. Significant differences in treatment uptake were reported by most studies. The uptake of AUD medication was reported in 5 out of 6 studies that offered AUD medication. Three studies reported a significantly higher uptake of AUD medication in the intervention group. A significant reduction in alcohol use was reported in two out of the five studies with lower intensity of care, and three out of six studies with higher intensity of care. Our results suggest that models of care in primary care settings can increase treatment uptake (e.g. psychosocial and/or pharmacotherapy) although results for alcohol-related outcomes were mixed. More research is required to determine which specific patient groups are suitable for AUD treatment in primary health care settings and to identify which models and components are most effective. PROSPERO: CRD42019120293 .
Johansson M., Sinadinovic K., Gajecki M., Lindner P., Berman A.H., Hermansson U., Andréasson S.
Addiction scimago Q1 wos Q1
2020-10-13 citations by CoLab: 39 Abstract  
Most people with alcohol use disorder (AUD) are never treated. Internet-based interventions are effective in reducing alcohol consumption and could help to overcome some of the barriers to people not seeking or receiving treatment. The aim of the current study was to compare internet-delivered and face-to-face treatment among adult users with AUD.Randomized controlled non-inferiority trial with a parallel design, comparing internet-delivered cognitive-behavioural therapy (ICBT) (n = 150) with face-to-face CBT (n = 151), at 3- and 6-month follow-ups.A specialized clinic for people with AUD in Stockholm, Sweden. Participants were recruited between 8 December 2015 and 5 January 2018.A total of 301 patients [mean age 50 years, standard deviation (SD) = 12.3] with AUD, of whom 115 (38%) were female and 186 (62%) were male.Participants were randomized in blocks of 20 at a ratio of 1 : 1 to five modules of therapist-guided ICBT or to five modules of face-to-face CBT, delivered over a 3-month period. The same treatment material and the same therapists were used in both groups.The primary outcome was standard drinks of alcohol consumed during the previous week at 6-month follow-up, analysed according to intention-to-treat. The pre-specified non-inferiority limit was five standard drinks of alcohol and d = 0.32 for secondary outcomes.The difference in alcohol consumption between the internet and the face-to-face group was non-inferior in the intention-to-treat analysis of data from the 6-month follow-up [internet = 12.33 and face-to-face = 11.43, difference = 0.89, 95% confidence interval (CI) = -1.10 to 2.88]. The secondary outcome, Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test score, failed to show non-inferiority of internet compared with face-to-face in the intention-to-treat analysis at 6-month follow-up (internet = 12.26 and face-to-face = 11.57, d = 0.11, 95% CI = -0.11 to 0.34).Internet-delivered treatment was non-inferior to face-to-face treatment in reducing alcohol consumption among help-seeking patients with alcohol use disorder but failed to show non-inferiority on some secondary outcomes.
Ekström V., Johansson M.
2020-06-29 citations by CoLab: 27 Abstract  
Internet-based treatment has emerged as a cost-effective option for reaching people who for different reasons are not reached by traditional treatment. Internet-based treatment for problematic alcohol use, specifically, has been found to show results on par with other forms of treatment. However, in-depth knowledge of users’ experiences is required to understand what works, and what needs further development. The aim of this study is to investigate the help-seeking motives among users of an internet-based service for problematic alcohol use, as well as the users’ experiences of the support available through the service. The study consists of a thematic analysis of interviews with 38 former users of the internet-based intervention Alkoholhjälpen. The analysis shows that health and relationship factors, as well as feelings of shame, were important motives for the users’ decisions to reduce their drinking. Availability and anonymity seem to have been important reasons for choosing internet-based support. The different treatment components, i.e. ICBT program, therapist support and discussion forum, were each perceived as helpful by some users but not by others. Treatment components were described as more useful when users were able to personally identify with the content, and when it helped them reflect on their own alcohol consumption. There are several aspects that are relevant, beyond the comparison between components, if we want to understand what works and for whom in internet-based treatment. Internet-based treatment services should be generous in terms of options for the users.
O’Donnell A., Hanratty B., Schulte B., Kaner E.
2020-04-22 citations by CoLab: 19 PDF Abstract  
Despite evidence supporting the effectiveness of alcohol screening and brief advice to reduce heavy drinking, implementation in primary healthcare remains limited. The challenges that clinicians experience when delivering such interventions are well-known, but we have little understanding of the patient perspective. We used Normalization Process Theory (NPT) informed interviews to explore patients’ views on alcohol screening and brief advice in routine primary healthcare. Semi-structured qualitative interviews with 22 primary care patients who had been screened for heavy drinking and/or received brief alcohol advice were analysed thematically, informed by Normalisation Process Theory constructs (coherence, cognitive participation, collective action, reflexive monitoring). We found mixed understanding of the adverse health consequences of heavy drinking, particularly longer-term risks. There was some awareness of current alcohol guidelines but these were viewed flexibly, depending on the individual drinker and drinking context. Most described alcohol screening as routine, with clinicians viewed as trustworthy and objective. Patients enacted a range of self-regulatory techniques to limit their drinking but perceived such strategies as learned through experience rather than based on clinical advice. However, most saw alcohol advice as a valuable component of preventative healthcare, especially those experiencing co-occurring health conditions. Despite strong acceptance of the screening role played by primary care clinicians, patients have less confidence in the effectiveness of alcohol advice. Primary care-based alcohol brief advice needs to reflect how individuals actually drink, and harness strategies that patients already commonly employ, such as self-regulation, to boost its relevance.

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