Earthquake and Structures, volume 12, issue 4, pages 457-468

Vertical vibrations of a bridge based on the traffic-pavement-bridge coupled system

Xinfeng Yin
Yang Liu
Bo Hyun Kong
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2017-04-25
scimago Q3
wos Q3
Impact factor1.4
ISSN20927614, 20927622
Civil and Structural Engineering
When studying the vibration of a suspension bridge based on the traffic-bridge coupled system, most researchers ignored the contribution of the pavement response. For example, the pavement was simplified as a rigid base and the deformation of pavement was ignored. However, the action of deck pavement on the vibration of vehicles or bridges should not be neglected. This study is mainly focused on establishing a new methodology fully considering the effects of bridge deck pavement, probabilistic traffic flows, and varied road roughness conditions. The bridge deck pavement was modeled as a boundless Euler-Bernoulli beam supported on the Kelvin model; the typical traffic flows were simulated by the improved Cellular Automaton (CA) traffic flow model; and the traffic-pavement-bridge coupled equations were established by combining the equations of motion of the vehicles, pavement, and bridge using the displacement and interaction force relationship at the contact locations. The numerical studies show that the proposed method can more rationally simulate the effect of the pavement on the vibrations of bridge and vehicles.





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