Wind and Structures, An International Journal, volume 24, issue 5, pages 481-500

A 3-DOF forced vibration system for time-domain aeroelastic parameter identification

Heather Scot Sauder
Partha Pratim Sarkar
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2017-05-25
scimago Q3
wos Q3
Impact factor1.3
ISSN12266116, 15986225
Building and Construction
Civil and Structural Engineering
Modeling and Simulation
A novel three-degree-of-freedom (DOF) forced vibration system has been developed for identification of aeroelastic (self-excited) load parameters used in time-domain response analysis of wind-excited flexible structures. This system is capable of forcing sinusoidal motions on a section model of a structure that is used in wind tunnel aeroelastic studies along all three degrees of freedom - along-wind, cross-wind, and torsional - simultaneously or in any combination thereof. It utilizes three linear actuators to force vibrations at a consistent frequency but varying amplitudes between the three. This system was designed to identify all the parameters, namely, aeroelastic- damping and stiffness that appear in self-excited (motion-dependent) load formulation either in time-domain (rational functions) or frequency-domain (flutter derivatives). Relatively large displacements (at low frequencies) can be generated by the system, if required. Results from three experiments, airfoil, streamlined bridge deck and a bluff-shaped bridge deck, are presented to demonstrate the functionality and robustness of the system and its applicability to multiple cross-section types. The system will allow routine identification of aeroelastic parameters through wind tunnel tests that can be used to predict response of flexible structures in extreme and transient wind conditions.





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