volume 21, issue 2

Obtaining compostable composites from secondary raw materials of crop production

Nikolaev, E., Molodkina, N., Shanin, V., Saparbekova, A.
Publication date2023-01-01
Proceeding from the goals of sustainable development of the United Nations and the active introduction of the principles of the circular economy's concept, the possibility of using the secondary raw and material resources in the production processes is relevant. At the UN Environment Assembly in 2022 representatives of 175 countries approved a resolution and called for a joint effort of states to reduce plastic pollution. Biodegradable plastics are a well-known alternative to traditional plastics with a long natural decomposition period. Among biodegradable materials, compostable materials are especially interesting due to the possibility of absolute degradation to biomass, CO2 and water. The problem of obtaining compostable materials is related to the possibility of using secondary material resources and achieving certain quality parameters of the final product. In this research, the criteria and technological solutions for obtaining compostable materials for single use are reviewed. The requirements to the raw plant material and the final product were analyzed, various ways of obtaining such materials and raw material processing methods were investigated. As a result of the work, the ratios of the mixture components were selected, the particle sizes of the plant component were determined, the use of a hot press machine was validated and the technological parameters for obtaining the finished form of the material were determined. The obtained results of the study are planned to be used for the development of production technology of compostable bio-composites and its further scaling for their mass production of bio-composite materials for consumer and industrial needs.
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