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Sociedade e Estado, volume 39, issue 3

A educação em um contexto de vulnerabilidade social: contribuições teóricas a partir de diálogos com a juventude favelada da Maré-RJ

Rafael Ferreira Diniz Gomes 1
Giselle Arteiro Nielsen Azevedo 1
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2024-12-01
scimago Q3
Impact factor
ISSN01026992, 19805462

Resumo Neste artigo, abordaremos o tema da segregação socioespacial, a concentração da pobreza urbana, os malefícios decorrentes das desigualdades sociais e seus reflexos na educação de jovens moradores de favelas. A partir de uma pesquisa que entrelaça a teoria e a pesquisa de campo, estabeleceremos uma conexão entre os conceitos de Efeito-vizinhança e Ativos, Vulnerabilidade e Estrutura de Oportunidades, com as entrevistas realizadas com jovens moradores do Conjunto de Favelas da Maré, situado no município do Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo principal do estudo é examinar a literatura relacionada aos temas abordados, com base nas reflexões emergentes do cotidiano capturado por meio da pesquisa de campo, a fim de ratificar ou contrapor a abordagem teórica adotada. Como conclusão, fica evidente que as diversas formas de marginalização enfrentadas pelas juventudes em situação de pobreza constituem um desafio social complexo, exigindo a priorização da construção de uma cidadania justa e igualitária.

Andrade L.T., Silveira L.S.
Civitas scimago Q3 Open Access
2014-01-31 citations by CoLab: 9
Assis S.G., Constantino P., Avanci J.Q.
2010-01-01 citations by CoLab: 6
Moura C.P.
2009-10-01 citations by CoLab: 2
Small M.L., Newman K.
Annual Review of Sociology scimago Q1 wos Q1
2001-08-11 citations by CoLab: 314 Abstract  
▪ Abstract  In what follows we critically assess a selection of the works on urban poverty that followed the publication of WJ Wilson's The Truly Disadvantaged ( 1987 ), with a particular focus on the family, the neighborhood, and culture. We frame our discussion by assessing the broad explanations of the increased concentration of poverty in urban neighborhoods characteristic of the 1970s and 1980s. Then, in the section on the family, we address the rising out-of-wedlock and disproportionately high teenage birthrates of poor urban women. Next, we critique the literature on neighborhood effects. Finally, in the discussion of culture, we examine critically the new efforts at complementing structural explanations with cultural accounts. We conclude by calling for more comparative, cross-regional, and historical studies, broader conceptions of urban poverty, and a greater focus on Latinos and other ethnic groups.
Ellen I.G., Turner M.A.
Housing Policy Debate scimago Q1 wos Q1
1997-01-01 citations by CoLab: 551 Abstract  
This article synthesizes findings from a wide range of empirical research into how neighborhoods affect families and children. It lays out a conceptual framework for understanding how neighborhoods may affect people at different life stages. It then identifies methodological challenges, summarizes past research findings, and suggests priorities for future work. Despite a growing body of evidence that neighborhood conditions play a role in shaping individual outcomes, serious methodological challenges remain that suggest some caution in interpreting this evidence. Moreover, no consensus emerges about which neighborhood characteristics affect which outcomes, or about what types of families may be most influenced by neighborhood conditions. Finally, existing studies provide little empirical evidence about the causal mechanisms through which neighborhood environment influences individual outcomes. To be useful to policy makers, future empirical research should tackle the critical question of how and ...
1990-01-01 citations by CoLab: 10
Staley S.
Journal of Urban Affairs scimago Q1 wos Q2
1989-10-01 citations by CoLab: 55 Abstract  
This article analyzes the main issues and arguments contained in The Truly Disadvantaged: The Inner City, the Underclass, and Public Policy, by William J. Wilson (Chicago: University of Chicago Pre...

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