Empowering Halal SMEs: Asset-Based Community Development as a Strategy for Development of Halal Ecosystem
The research aims to identify and address harnessing and leveraging existing assets within a community to foster a robust halal ecosystem. This paper explores a case study of halal SMEs that uses a community development framework called asset based community dDevelopment (ABCD) that emphasizes the identification and enhancement of the inherent strengths of communities to promote resilience and adaptability in challenging circumstances. Additionally, surveys and interviews with stakeholders, including SME owners and policymakers, are conducted to provide empirical insights into empowering halal SMEs. Data were collected using an asset-based community development approach including interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), and asset mapping. The paper argues that by recognizing and utilizing the tangible and intangible assets of Halal SMEs, such as cultural knowledge, community networks, and entrepreneurial spirit, these businesses can thrive and contribute significantly to the broader Halal market. Furthermore, this study identifies several empowerment strategies that can be implemented, including capacity building, market access, financial support, and networking opportunities. Identifying assets in the community can be the best solution for SMEs development by changing their paradigm, looking at their potential capacity, and not only focusing on problems. The implementation of an asset-based model could be a community engagement model for developing halal ecosystems.