What Drive International Tourism Visitors in Asean and Asia Pacific Countries?
This study will analyze some factors that influence on international tourism visitors. Almost all determine factor from social and several economic factors. The subject observations in this research are ASEAN countries (Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Philippines) and four Asia Pacific countries (Korea, Japan, China, and India) and we called ASEAN plus 4. This research was estimated by the panel model with time observation from 2009 until 2020. Using the panel model, the dependent variable in this study is international tourism arrivals. The independent variables include the nominal effective exchange rate, real effective exchange rate, infrastructure index, criminal index, safety index, pollution index, and living cost index. The result of almost all variables are normally distributed. Meanwhile, cointegration test shows all of the variables cointegrated on the first derivative logarithm, so there is a long-term relationship between variables at the rate of change. The random effect panel model was indicated the whole variable was significant to the international tourist arrivals in ASEAN plus 4 countries. Another evidence from the result, the conclusion that appreciation of the exchange rate made bring down of international tourist visitors. However, decreasing on exchange rate raise of international tourist. The other result expressed the raise of criminality and safety made declines the number of international tourist visitors, the increasing on pollution and living cost made increasing the number of international tourism arrivals. The conclusion that several economic and social factors such as a depreciation of exchange rate and the increase in the cost of living and pollution had a positive and significant impact on the rise of international tourist arrivals. However, the appreciation in the exchange rate, raise on criminality and safety had an impact on declining on international tourists.