Cordyceps militaris: A Comprehensive Study on Laboratory Cultivation and Anticancer Potential in Dalton's Ascites Lymphoma Tumor Model
Cancer, a predominant cause of mortality, poses a formidable challenge in our pursuit of elevating life expectancy. Throughout history, individuals have sought natural remedies with minimal side effects as an appealing substitute for chemotherapeutic drugs. One such remedy is Cordyceps militaris, a renowned medicinal mushroom deeply entrenched in Asian ethnomedicine. Revered for its rejuvenating and curative attributes, it relied upon for ages.
The mushroom’s soaring demand outpaced natural availability, necessitating controlled laboratory cultivation as the core focus and exploring the potential of methanolic extracts from harvested Cordyceps militaris fruiting bodies against Dalton's Lymphoma Ascites (DLA) cells in vitro, with a specific emphasis on its anticancer traits.
For cultivation, we employed a diverse range of rice substrates, among which bora rice showed promising growth of C. militaris fruiting bodies. To assess DLA cell cytotoxicity, several assays, including trypan blue exclusion assay, MTT assay, and LDH assay, were employed at different time points (24-96 h), which provided valuable insights on DLA cell viability and proliferation, shedding light on its therapeutic potential against cancer.
Our studies unveiled that methanolic extract prompts apoptosis in DLA cells via AO/EB dual staining, manifesting consistent apoptosis indicators such as membrane blebbing, chromatin condensation, nuclei fragmentation, and cellular shrinkage at 48-96 h of treatment. Furthermore, these striking repercussions of apoptosis were comprehended by an in silico approach having molecular docking simulation against antiapoptotic proteins like BCL-2, BCL-XL, MCL-1, BFL-1 & HSP100.
Methanolic C. militaris extracts exhibited cytotoxicity and apoptotic alterations in DLA cells