Open Nursing Journal, volume 19, issue 1

Psychiatric Care Setting from the Perspective of Psychiatric Nursing Managers

Letícia Carvalho Vieira
Camila O. Vieira
Maura MacPhee
Wilza Carla Spiri
Publication typeJournal Article
Publication date2025-01-31
scimago Q3
Impact factor

Nursing managers are well-positioned to enhance holistic care for patients in psychiatric settings. Managers need to use evidence-based data available to them when making nurse staffing decisions. Patient classification systems can be an excellent source of patients’ priority care needs.


To understand the meaning of using patient classification systems as a management tool for psychiatric nursing managers.


Qualitative study with a content analysis methodological framework. Ten nursing managers from psychiatric institutions in the state of São Paulo participated. Data were collected between August 2016 and May 2017 using a semi-structured interview with recorded audio.


The sample consisted of nine women and one man with an average of 14 years’ experience in mental health and seven years of management experience. The psychiatric care setting emerged as a general theme surrounded by four subthemes: current model of decision making, ideal model of decision making, nursing staff dimensioning/staffing, and professional and mental health legislation. Only half of the managers used a patient classification system as a management tool, and there were difficulties associated with their use of the tool.


A conceptual model was developed based on the themes, subthemes, categories, and sub-categories in this study. The model demonstrates major differences between psychiatric settings with biomedical models versus psychosocial models. Managers with knowledge of PCS data can better advocate for patients’ holistic needs and adequate nursing resource allocation. Managers may lack the knowledge and skills required for model transformation, and continuing management/leadership education is recommended.

Siqueira C.L., Bernadeli A.C., Gasparino R.C., Feldman L.B., Cunha I.C., Oliveira R.A.
2019-02-01 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the knowledge of responsible technical nurses in relation to the general and management skills required to perform this function. Method: Qualitative case study with 14 nurses. The semi-structured interviews were recorded and the data analyzed through the thematic content analysis. Results: Two categories stood out: Main Responsibilities for the Position of Technical Manager: Leadership, Interpersonal Relationship and Systemic view; and Developing Skills: Dissociation between Theory and Practice. Final considerations: The fact that only three skills have been recognized as necessary for the exercise of the function of technical leader and the perception of the interviewees about the dissociation between theory and practice during graduation should be explored by the teaching and health institutions, because to exercise this nurses must develop the technical-scientific, socio-educational and ethical-political skills to be able to lead the organization to positive results..
Mazzaia M.C.
2018-10-19 citations by CoLab: 2
Garrett B.
2018-10-11 citations by CoLab: 6
Lillehol B.M., Lønning K., Andersen M.H.
Nursing Open scimago Q1 wos Q2 Open Access
2017-12-14 citations by CoLab: 8 PDF Abstract  
Aim The aim of the study, being part of a Norwegian evaluation project of the RAFAELA system, was to explore nurse managers' perception of the RAFAELA system as a management tool in a Norwegian hospital setting. Design We applied an explorative qualitative design using focus group interviews. Methods Two focus group interviews were performed with 12 nurses in different management positions during autumn 2013. The principles of qualitative content analysis were used for analysing data. Results Three themes emerged. The informants experienced the RAFAELA system to be a basis for a precise and common langue. Furthermore, the informants considered it to be a system defining quality standards of nursing care. Finally, the RAFAELA system provided daily documentation of nursing intensity and thus was considered an important management tool for balancing patient needs with appropriate staff.
Gerhardt C.
Humanities scimago Q3 Open Access
2017-10-15 citations by CoLab: 1 PDF
Zanardo G.L., Silveira L.H., Rocha C.M., Rocha K.B.
2017-07-01 citations by CoLab: 11 Abstract  
RESUMO: Introdução: O fenômeno da porta giratória é caracterizado por repetidas e frequentes reinternações psiquiátricas. Objetivo: Investigar as características sociodemográficas, clínicas e de acompanhamento em serviços da Rede de Atenção Psicossocial (RAPS) associadas às internações e às reinternações psiquiátricas de usuários de um hospital geral de Porto Alegre. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado com uma amostra de 96 participantes. Resultados: Mais da metade da amostra (53,1%) era do sexo feminino, 51% eram solteiros e a idade média foi de 44,33 anos. Dos dados clínicos, 36,5% (n = 35) dos usuários estavam em sua primeira internação e 36,5% (n = 35) preencheram o critério para reinternação frequente. Os resultados mostraram que usuários com reinternações frequentes referiam um número significativamente menor de pessoas com as quais consideravam que poderiam contar. Já os usuários de primeira internação viviam com um número significativamente maior de pessoas que o restante da amostra e possuíam, com menor frequência, vínculo com serviço de saúde, utilizando o hospital como porta de entrada para o cuidado em saúde mental. Em relação ao acompanhamento na rede, 34,4% da amostra não frequentava nenhum serviço da RAPS antes da internação à época do estudo e somente 4,1% fazia uso de serviços de reabilitação psicossocial. Conclusão: Destacamos a importância do hospital como ponto articulador da rede e estratégico para realizar a ponte com os serviços da RAPS. Apesar de a literatura internacional investigar e registrar o fenômeno da porta giratória, percebe-se que esse é um campo que necessita de maiores investigações no território brasileiro.
Silva V.L., Camelo S.H., Soares M.I., Resck Z.M., Chaves L.D., Santos F.C., Leal L.A.
2017-04-05 citations by CoLab: 13 Abstract  
Abstract OBJECTIVE To assess the frequency of the leadership practices performed by the manager nurses of hospital institutions and their association with the variables of the socioprofessional profile. METHOD Cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational study conducted in four hospitals in a city of the state of São Paulo. A sociodemographic questionnaire and the instrument Leadership Practices Inventory were used. Data collection and analysis were based on an exemplary Leadership Practices Model. RESULTS Eighty-four manager nurses participated in the study. The mean values of the leadership practices used by the nurses were: enable others to act (50.6); encourage the heart (48.2); model the way (46.7); challenge the process (43.3); and inspire a shared vision (43.1). Data analysis also evidenced a correlation between the practice encourage the heart and the variables time of care and employment relationship. Conclusion The study evidenced the presence of manager nurses exercising moderate leadership, and promoting teamwork, an environment of trust, and a horizontal vision. However, moderate values also reveal managerial aspects to be improved by the leaders by means of organizational strategies and/or tools aimed at best leadership practices.
Sade P.M., Peres A.M.
2015-12-10 citations by CoLab: 13 Abstract  
Abstract OBJECTIVE Developing continuing education guidelines for the development of nursing management competencies along with the members of the Center of Nursing Continuing Education of Parana. METHOD A qualitative research outlined by the action research method, with a sample consisting of 16 nurses. Data collection was carried out in three stages and data were analyzed according to the thematic analysis technique. RESULTS It was possible to discuss the demands and difficulties in developing nursing management competencies in hospital organizations and to collectively design a guideline. CONCLUSION The action research contributed to the production of knowledge, confirming the need and the importance of changing the educational processes and evaluations, based on methodologies and instruments for professional development in accordance with human resource policies and contemporary organizational policies.
Abreu S.P., Pompeo D.A., Perroca M.G.
2014-12-01 citations by CoLab: 5 Abstract  
Objective To analyze the production of scientific knowledge about the use of patients’ classification instruments in care and management practice in Brazil. Method Integrative literature review with databases search in: Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System on-line (MEDLINE), Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and SCOPUS, between January 2002 through December 2013. Results 1,194 studies were found, 31 met the inclusion criteria. We observed a higher number of studies in the category care plans and workload (n=15), followed by the category evaluation of psychometric properties (n=14). Conclusion Brazilian knowledge production has not yet investigated some purposes of using instruments for classifying patients in professional nursing practice. The identification of unexplored areas can guide future research on the topic.

Nicolussi A.C., Scarparo A.F., Campos L.D., Chaves L.D., Laus A.M.
2013-06-30 citations by CoLab: 3 Abstract  
doi: 10.5216/ree.v15i2.18559 - RESUMO Revisão Integrativa com o objetivo de identificar a metodologia, parâmetros e/ou instrumentos utilizados na prática para DPE nos serviços de saúde hospitalares, bem como identificar se o quantitativo destes profissionais está adequado à demanda de cuidados exigida pelos pacientes. Foram selecionados 27 artigos que atenderam os critérios de inclusão da base de dados Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde com o descritor: downsizing organizacional e a palavra-chave dimensionamento de pessoal de enfermagem nos anos de 2000 a 2012. Os estudos evidenciaram que o enfermeiro conhece os métodos de dimensionamento de pessoal, porém nem sempre os utilizam adequadamente; que os parâmetros e instrumentos existentes são apropriados para realizar tal dimensionamento; que existe uma diversidade no nível de complexidade dos pacientes e muitos campos de trabalho apresentaram escassez de pessoal. Os resultados indicam a necessidade de uso sistemático de instrumentos para o dimensionamento. Descritores: Downsizing Organizacional; Enfermagem; Recursos Humanos de Enfermagem no Hospital.
Mukai H.A., Jericó M.D., Perroca M.G.
2013-02-01 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
OBJECTIVES: This descriptive study used a quantitative approach to assess the nursing care needs of patients with mental disorders, the mean number of care hours these patients were provided and the workload these patients require nursing team. METHODS: The research was conducted in a public neuropsychiatric hospital located in south eastern Brazil in 2010 and included 105 patients as subjects. A patient classification tool was applied to characterise care profiles. Statistical analysis was performed using principal component analysis and analysis of variance. RESULTS: Patients were predominantly in the low care category (73.3%). The mean care hours ranged from 0.57 to 0.88 for nurses and 1.97 to 3.16 for nursing assistants, and the workload ranged from 119.6 to 183 hours . CONCLUSIONS: The present study showed that the care needs of most patients were at a low level of dependency and that most patients did not need to be institutionalised. Furthermore, it was found that the care hours provided by the nursing staff were not sufficient to meet the care needs of the patients.
Oliveira R.P., Laus A.M.
2011-10-01 citations by CoLab: 6 Abstract  
Este estudo teve por objetivo caracterizar o grau de dependência em relação ao cuidado de enfermagem dos pacientes internados na unidade de psiquiatria de um hospital de ensino, utilizando um instrumento para classificação do nível de dependência em enfermagem psiquiátrica. Foram classificados 11,07 pacientes/dia na enfermaria de psiquiatria (EPQU) e 7,76 pacientes/dia na enfermaria de psiquiatria de internação breve (EPIB), sendo a taxa média de ocupação dos leitos nestas unidades de 79,1% e 86,3%, respectivamente. Houve predominância de pacientes do sexo feminino (55,8%) e da faixa etária entre 20 a 30 anos (34,8%). O grau discreto de cuidado de enfermagem prevaleceu tanto na EPQU (62,7%) como na EPIB (61,8%). A investigação possibilitou conhecer as demandas de cuidados de enfermagem dessa clientela e forneceu elementos que apontaram para a necessidade de novos estudos referentes à composição do quadro de pessoal de enfermagem para esta unidade.

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