Известия Российской академии наук Теория и системы управления, issue 3, pages 150-156
Method of chorioidea area extraction and its quantitative analysis on optical coherence tomography images for diagnostics of eye diseases2
N S Demin
1, 2
N. Yu. Ilyasova
1, 2
R. Т. Samigullin
Publication type: Journal Article
Publication date: 2024-12-12
SJR: —
CiteScore: —
Impact factor: —
ISSN: 00023388
The paper proposes a technology for extraction of vascular tissue of the human eye and calculation of chorioidal vascular index on optical coherence tomography images. The applied approach is based on the use of the method of shadow compensation of optical coherence tomography (OCT) images with their subsequent filtering and binarisation. The technology made it possible to automate the calculation of chorioidal vascular index value, which is an important indicator in the study of the vascular layer when diagnosing eye diseases.
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