Effect of Electrode Surface Microstructuring on Electrochemical Biosensor Performance
Electrode surface microstructuring involves the engineering of the topographical features of an electrode to enhance its performance in electrochemical sensing applications. By creating controlled micro- or nano-scale patterns, the active surface area can significantly increase, which leads to improved electron transfer and enhanced sensitivity to target analytes in devices such as biosensors. Geometrical parameters such as diameter, height, pitch, and position of the patterns can be optimized to enhance sensor detection. This paper introduces an electrochemical biosensor designed to detect Moraxella catarrhalis, a respiratory pathogen affecting young children. This paper investigates the effects of the radius of micropillars on adsorption in the electrochemical biosensor using COMSOL Multiphysics (Version: 6.0). The model demonstrates that the rate of surface adsorption depends on the position of the micropillars on the electrode. The paper also presents the effects of analyte concentration on the detection current of the biosensor using Cottrell’s equation.