Microstructure of CuCrZrV and ODS(Y2O3)-Cu Alloys After Neutron Irradiation at 150, 350, and 450 °C to 2.5 dpa
In this study, the results of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examinations of neutron-irradiated (2.5 dpa at 150 °C, 350 °C, and 450 °C) CuCrZrV and ODS(Y2O3)-Cu alloys are presented. These materials were developed for application as heat sink materials in fusion technology. This study includes TEM imaging and quantitative analysis of neutron radiation-induced defects such as dislocation loops and voids as well as the determination of the conditions for their formation. It was found that dislocation loops of a0½⟨110⟩ type form in both alloys at all irradiation temperatures. The formation of voids in CuCrZrV alloy is effectively suppressed. The neutron irradiation causes a redistribution of Cr, Zr, and V in the CuCrZrV alloy. A particular focus was on the investigation of the distribution of the transmutation products Ni and Zn. Ni tends to segregate at the Cr-rich clusters and forms a shell around them, while Zn is evenly distributed.