Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration, pages 229-254

Towards a Model for Self-Disclosure on Social Network Sites

Joel Christian Adepo 1
Michel Babri 2
Université virtuelle de Côte d'Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire
Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire
Publication typeBook Chapter
Publication date2022-02-14
Impact factor
ISSN23281243, 2328126X

One of the current discussions is the resilience of health systems in developing countries. Online platforms users including health system users (patients, doctors) are worried about their privacy being violated. While the users of social media enjoy the opportunity to learn, connect, and share, their privacy on those platforms is at risk. A possible cause of this is the information privacy paradox, which describes a disconnect between users' stated concerns and actual behaviour. In the pilot phase of this study, the authors have used the partial least squares structural equation modelling technique for the analysis of the relationships postulated to explain self-disclosure in social network sites. The survey instrument's content validity and adapted model's constructs validity and reliability were confirmed, and the preliminary findings revealed that the derived model explains 32.9% of the user's self-disclosure intention on social network sites.

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