Advances in Healthcare Information Systems and Administration, pages 229-254

Towards a Model for Self-Disclosure on Social Network Sites

Joel Christian Adepo 1
Michel Babri 2
Université virtuelle de Côte d'Ivoire, Côte d'Ivoire
Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, Côte d'Ivoire
Publication typeBook Chapter
Publication date2022-02-14
Impact factor
ISSN23281243, 2328126X

One of the current discussions is the resilience of health systems in developing countries. Online platforms users including health system users (patients, doctors) are worried about their privacy being violated. While the users of social media enjoy the opportunity to learn, connect, and share, their privacy on those platforms is at risk. A possible cause of this is the information privacy paradox, which describes a disconnect between users' stated concerns and actual behaviour. In the pilot phase of this study, the authors have used the partial least squares structural equation modelling technique for the analysis of the relationships postulated to explain self-disclosure in social network sites. The survey instrument's content validity and adapted model's constructs validity and reliability were confirmed, and the preliminary findings revealed that the derived model explains 32.9% of the user's self-disclosure intention on social network sites.

Hair J.F., Hult G.T., Ringle C.M., Sarstedt M., Danks N.P., Ray S.
2021-11-03 citations by CoLab: 2455
Felim P., Dimyati D., Shihab M.
2018-10-25 citations by CoLab: 2 Abstract  
Self-disclosure may happen greatly in social media because nonverbal cues were reduced and their anonymity feature, while they also control their content distribution to certain boundaries based on their own privacy management. The purposes of this research are to know motivation of ASKfm users to disclose their personal information to anonymous questions and how privacy rule criteria such as gender, culture, and context make them want to disclose their personal information to anonymous questions. By using in-depth interview, data were collected from three males and three females aged 18 to 24 years old. They had ASKfm accounts, had answered anonymous questions at least five times, had minimum 100 likes in total, and had revealed personal information to the anonymous questions. ASKfm involved personal evaluation towards rewards and costs received by the users. Participants were motivated to disclose their personal information to anonymous questions to get enjoyment by receiving and answering many anonymous questions as well as relationship building. The motivations indirectly caused self-presentation in which some participants promoted their ASKfm accounts in other social media to get more questions. Collectivistic participants received benefit on enjoyment, while individualistic participants who received benefit on relationship building and maintenance. Participants were more careful in managing disclosures because they were aware of possible risks and possibility of widely personal information distribution to unknown publics by filtering the questions rather than changing the Privacy Settings. KEYWORDS: anonymity, anonymous questions, ASKfm, motivations, privacy management, self-disclosure
Emad ALQadheeb B., Ibraheem Alsalloum O.
2018-09-06 citations by CoLab: 4 Abstract  
Millions of people worldwide visit social network sites (SNSs) daily, such as Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. We examined a model based on the privacy calculus theory to better understand and determine what motivates users to disclose personal information on SNSs in Saudi Arabia. A total of 550 respondents participated in an online survey. The analysis results indicate that Saudi SNS users are primarily motivated by the convenience of maintaining and developing new relationships, self-presentation, and platform enjoyment. The results also indicate that privacy risks are a critical barrier to information disclosure. However, users become less concerned about privacy risks—and are thus more likely to disclose personal information—if they trust other SNS members and the service provider. Trust in the service provider increases if privacy control options are provided. In addition, the results show that gender influences the motivations to self-disclose personal information. Based on the analysis results, recommendations for service providers are provided.
Heeks R.
2017-11-08 citations by CoLab: 41
Hallam C., Zanella G.
Computers in Human Behavior scimago Q1 wos Q1
2017-03-01 citations by CoLab: 172 Abstract  
Technological innovations are increasingly helping people expand their social capital through online networks by offering new opportunities for sharing personal information. Online social networks are perceived to provide individuals new benefits and have led to a surge of personal data uploaded, stored, and shared. While privacy concerns are a major issue for many users of social networking sites, studies have shown that their information disclosing behavior does not align with their concerns. This gap between behavior and concern is called the privacy paradox. Several theories have been explored to explain this, but with inconsistent and incomplete results. This study investigates the paradox using a construal level theory lens. We show how a privacy breach, not yet experienced and psychologically distant, has less weight in everyday choices than more concrete and psychologically-near social networking activities and discuss the implications for research and practice. An explanation of the information privacy paradox using Construal Level Theory.Intentions mediate the relationship between privacy concerns and self-disclosure behavior.Social Rewards predict online behavior through near-future intentions.Privacy Concerns relate to distant-future intentions, but do not directly affect the online behavior.Privacy concerns indirectly affect online behavior through near-future intentions.
Kokolakis S.
Computers and Security scimago Q1 wos Q1
2017-01-01 citations by CoLab: 681 Abstract  
Do people really care about their privacy? Surveys show that is a primary concern for citizens in the digital age. On the other hand, individuals reveal personal information for relatively small rewards, often just for drawing the attention of peers in an online social network. This inconsistency of attitudes and behaviour is often referred to as the privacy In this paper, we present the results of a review of research literature on the paradox. We analyse studies that provide evidence of a paradoxical dichotomy between attitudes and behaviour and studies that challenge the existence of such a phenomenon. The diverse research results are explained by the diversity in research methods, the different contexts and the different conceptualisations of the paradox. We also present several interpretations of the paradox, stemming from social theory, psychology, behavioural economics and, in one case, from quantum theory. We conclude that current research has improved our understanding of the paradox phenomenon. It is, however, a complex phenomenon that requires extensive further research. Thus, we call for synthetic studies to be based on comprehensive theoretical models that take into account the diversity of personal information and the diversity of concerns. We suggest that future studies should use evidence of actual behaviour rather than self-reported behaviour.
Nemec Zlatolas L., Welzer T., Heričko M., Hölbl M.
Computers in Human Behavior scimago Q1 wos Q1
2015-04-01 citations by CoLab: 156 Abstract  
Social networking sites privacy issues and self-disclosure are examined.A research model of privacy issues and self-disclosure is built.Structural equations modeling is used to assess the model fit.Path analysis is done to analyze hypothesis whereas 11 out of 14 are accepted.Final model shows privacy and its shaping of self-disclosure in Facebook. In recent years, social networking sites have spread rapidly, raising new issues in terms of privacy and self-disclosure online. For a better understanding of how privacy issues determine self-disclosure, a model which includes privacy awareness, privacy social norms, privacy policy, privacy control, privacy value, privacy concerns and self-disclosure was built. A total of 661 respondents participated in an online survey and a structural equation modeling was used to evaluate the model. The findings indicated a significant relationship between privacy value/privacy concerns and self-disclosure, privacy awareness and privacy concerns/self-disclosure, privacy social norms and privacy value/self-disclosure, privacy policy and privacy value/privacy concerns/self-disclosure, privacy control and privacy value/privacy concerns. The model from the study should contribute new knowledge concerning privacy issues and their shaping of self-disclosure on social networking sites. It could also help networking sites service providers understand how to encourage users to disclose more information.
Santiago T., Santiago M.G., Rovisco J., Duarte C., Malcata A., da Silva J.A.
Clinical Rheumatology scimago Q2 wos Q2
2013-08-17 citations by CoLab: 18 Abstract  
Anti-TNF-α therapies are the latest class of medications found to be associated with drug-induced lupus, a distinctive entity known as anti-TNF-α-induced lupus (ATIL) (Williams et al., Rheumatology (Oxford) 48:716–20, 2009; De Rycke et al., Lupus 14:931–7, 2005; De Bandt et al., Clin Rheumatol 22:56–61, 2003). With the widespread use of these agents, it is likely that the incidence of ATIL will increase. The onset of ATIL in patients with rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn's disease has been described, but the literature regarding the occurrence of this entity in patients with ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is scarce (De Bandt et al., Clin Rheumatol 22:56–61, 2003; Ramos-Casals et al., Autoimmun Rev 9:188–93, 2010; Perez-Garcia et al., Rheumatology 45:114–116, 2006). To our knowledge, few reports of switching anti-TNF-α therapy after ATIL in AS have been reported (Akgül et al., Rheumatol Int, 2012). Therefore, it is not clear whether the development of ATIL should prohibit switch to another therapy, since patients may respond to another anti-TNF-α agent (Akgül et al., Rheumatol Int, 2012; Bodur et al., Rheumatol Int 29:451–454, 2009; Mounach et al., Clin Exp Rheumatol 26:1116–8, 2008; Williams and Cohen, Int J Dermatol 50:619–625, 2011; Ye et al., J Rheumatol 38:1216, 2011; Wetter and Davis, Mayo Clin Proc 84:979–984, 2009; Cush, Clin Exp Rheumatol 22:S141–147, 2004; Kocharla and Mongey, Lupus 18:169–7, 2009). A lack of published experience of successful anti-TNF-α switching is a cause of concern for rheumatologists faced with this challenging clinical scenario. We report the case of a 69-year-old woman with AS who developed infliximab-induced lupus, which did not recur despite the subsequent institution of etanercept. The authors review and discuss ATIL and the possible implications for subsequent treatment with alternative anti-TNF-α agents.
Ismail R., Zainab A.N.
2013-03-11 citations by CoLab: 8 Abstract  
This study proposes an instrument to assess the current information system security status in libraries. The instrument is based on a model named LISSAM (library information systems security assessment model), which comprises five components: technological security foundation, information security policy, procedures and control, administrative tools, methods, and awareness creation. The instrument was pilot-tested with 50 respondents responsible for information systems or information technology in their libraries. All components received Cronbach alpha scores of <0.60 and were found to be reliable and acceptable. Findings revealed that over 95% of libraries have a high level of technological implementation but 54% scored poorly on organizational measures, especially on the lack of security policies, procedures, and user training. High scores on technological implementation were found to be correlated to sufficient financial support and early information and computer technology adoption.
Wu A., Zeng Z.
Neural Networks scimago Q1 wos Q1
2012-12-01 citations by CoLab: 175 Abstract  
The paper introduces a general class of memristor-based recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays. Conditions on the nondivergence and global attractivity are established by using local inhibition, respectively. Moreover, exponential convergence of the networks is studied by using local invariant sets. The analysis in the paper employs results from the theory of differential equations with discontinuous right-hand sides as introduced by Filippov. The obtained results extend some previous works on conventional recurrent neural networks.

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