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Publications found: 190
On the use of the Malmquist index to assess the effectiveness of the functioning of district and municipal medical institutions in the Region
Kutyshkin A.V., Shulgin O.V., Danilova S.V.
Subject of research: the activities of health care institutions of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug (KhMAO – Yugra) in providing medical services to the population in the period from 2013 to 2021.
Purpose of research: analysis of the dynamics of the medical efficiency of the functioning of health care institutions (HCI) of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug – Yugra using the Malmquist index together with the data envelopment analysis (DEA method).
Methods and objects of research: the medical efficiency of these institutions was assessed using the DEA method. Multiplicative decomposition of the Malmquist index assesses the level of influence on the medical efficiency of technological changes in the subject area, the work of HCI management and changes in their scale.
Main results of research: it has been established that changes in patient treatment technologies have the greatest impact on the dynamics of the medical efficiency of HCI. The scale of HCI and the efficiency of their management are not so critical, which is due to the specifics of the territorial organization of the healthcare system. The use of the Malmquist index allows us to evaluate both the medical effectiveness of health care institutions and to identify carriers of “best practices” in terms of the implementation of medical technologies and the management of health care institutions.
Features of formation of modern sociocultural youth practices
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Gutova S.G., Bogatyr V.S.

Justification of the Age of Sands with Middle and Late Quaternary Theriofaunal Complexes in the Lower Ob’ River Near the Village Khashgort (North-Western Siberia)
Zolnikov I.D., Borodin A.V., Filatov E.A., Korkin S.E., Markova E.A., Yalkovskaya L.E., Galimov A.T., Levitskaya P.S.
For more than half a century, the question remained unresolved why the closely spaced sequences of fluvial sands overlying Middle Pleistocene diamicton in the lower reaches of the Ob’ River near the village Khashgort contain micromammal faunas of different evolutionary levels. The sequences 430 and 430a at kilometer 430 from the Ob’ River mouth yielded Late Quaternary faunas and the sequence Khashgort (= Bolshaya Ob’ 440 km) at kilometer 442 from the Ob’ River mouth yielded Middle Quaternary faunas. This contradicted generally accepted ideas, according to which the absence of Middle Quaternary alluvium was assumed in this area and called into question either geological or paleontological interpretations of the Pleistocene history of north of Western Siberia. This paper proposes a comparison between two geological sections using both geological and paleontological methods and suggests an updated biostratrigraphic interpretation of the materials relevant to the Karginian and Tazovian horizons of Western Siberia collected in 1980s and 2016–2022. It is established that the Late Quaternary assemblage of micromammals from the sections at kilometer 430 of the Ob’ River is confined to alluvium of the 2nd terrace above the river floodplain. In the locality Khashgort (Bolshaya Ob’ 440 km) at kilometer 442 of the Ob’ River, the micromammal assemblage is associated with fluvioglacial sands showing the signs of close redeposition of paleontological materials with the outliers comprised in the Middle Quaternary Khashgort aleuropelites bearing boulders and sands. Thus, the study makes it possible to harmonize the geological and paleontological data that were in conflict for more than half a century.
Spichak A.V.
Based on previously unexplored documents of Tobolsk Ecclesiastical Consistory, stored in the State Archive in Tobolsk, the difficulties that stood in the way of peasants to obtain permission to divorce were identified. The influence of large territories of the Russian Empire, including Tobolsk diocese, on the increase in the duration of office work and, as a consequence, on the aggravation of problems associated with divorce, is revealed. The dynamics of filing petitions for divorce for each decade from 1863 to 1917 is presented, the analysis of which showed that in the early 20th century, peasants, eager to change a spouse, applied more and more often, however, as ages before, only a few received positive decisions per year. It is concluded that most of the problems associated with divorce proceedings had remained unchanged since the previous19th century. It was found that in the early 20th century, more and more literate people, now able to sign documents on their own, appeared; however, ignorance of the laws led to an increase, in quite long time, frame for resolving marriage issues. Personal circumstances could also have an impact, and the diocesan authorities’ strict adherence to the letter of the law prevented them from entering into the position of the participants in the case.
Gender and age-specific patterns of ambulance calls in Khanty-Mansiysk depending on the epidemiological situation
Ragozin O.N., Gudkov A.B., Shalamova E.Y., Pogonysheva I.A., Ragozinа E.R., Pogonyshev D.A.
BACKGROUND: The number of ambulance calls serves as an objective indicator of the disruption in population health associated with maladaptation or an increase in health disorders in harsh conditions of the North. This becomes especially apparent when the epidemiological situation shifts, highlighting the importance of this issue. AIM: To study the gender- and age-specific patterns of emergency calls for ambulance services in the population of Khanty-Mansiysk during varying epidemiological conditions using long-term monitoring data. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data on daily counts of ambulance calls was obtained from the for the period from 2015 to 2021 stratified by age and gender. The data were analyzed using wavelet analysis. RESULTS: When analyzing gender disparities during a pandemic, the coefficient representing the ratio of calls made by women to men decreased as the number of calls made by men increased. The distribution of calls by age revealed two distinct risk groups: young children and older adults. During the pandemic, there were no significant qualitative changes in the distribution of calls. Several scenarios of desynchronosis induced by the COVID-19 pandemic were identified. In infants, the changes in the epidemiological situation did not affect constant rhythms. The changes in the constant circadian rhythms to long-term and intercalary intra-annual rhythms were observed among children and youth. In adolescents and young adults, the pandemic acted as a synchronizer. In older age-groups, the circadian rhythms were maintained throughout the entire period. The period of the pandemic was characterized by addition of rhythms with a shorter period. CONCLUSION: The distribution of ambulance calls across age-groups is characterized by the presence of two distinct risk groups — early childhood and the 2nd adult age. During the pandemic, the structure of calls did not demonstrate qualitative changes. The COVID-19 pandemic was a desynchronizing factor in the temporal structure of health disorders affecting long-term and near-annual rhythms and inducing the intercalary intra-annual rhythms.
Activities of Parish Guardianships of Tobolsk Diocese in Second Third of 19th — Early 20th Centuries
Kruglikov A.S., Tsys V.V.
The article examines the issues of creation, functioning, and main directions of activities of parish guardianships of the Tobolsk Diocese in the second third of the 19th — early 20th centuries. The study is based on materials from federal and regional archives, as well as the “Tobolsk Diocesan Gazette.” It is noted that the organization of guardianships was part of the church reforms during the reign of Alexander II aimed at revitalizing parish life. The conclusion is drawn that the guardianships did not live up to the expectations placed on them. Despite their quantitative growth, parishioners preferred to allocate funds for decorating churches rather than improving the clergy’s standard of living. Even in the most affluent parishes, expenses did not focus on enhancing the priests' material well-being. The alienation of the clergy and laity, dissatisfaction of diocesan authorities with the possible loss of control over church revenues and expenditures, and priests’ fears that guardians might try to isolate them from parish affairs were reasons for this phenomenon. Nevertheless, the work of the guardianships prompted parishioners to rethink their rights regarding parish self-government and had a positive impact in this regard.
Designing a Fund of Assessment Tools in the Structure of an Interactive Course in Higher Mathematics.
Afendikova M.E., Khudzhina M.V.
The article deals with the issues of designing and using the fund of
assessment tools in the framework of an interactive course in higher mathematics
for first-year students. It analyzes the principles of formation and requirements to
the design of the fund of assessment tools for the discipline. The stages of designing an interactive course and its structural component — the fund of assessment
tools are presented. The article analyzes the possibilities and substantiates the
advantages of using assessment tools in electronic format in the practice of teaching
in universities. The article presents examples of assessment tools, including tasks
of different levels, which can be used both as a teaching tool and for determining
the level of students’ mastering of educational material in the course of current
control and interim certification. The article substantiates the expediency of
using the fund of assessment tools in the structure of the interactive course for
the formation of professional competencies of future teachers of mathematics, and
points out the improvement of learning results of students of pedagogical direction
in mathematical disciplines.
Justification of the Age of Sands with Middle and Late Quaternary Theriofaunal Complexes in the Lower Ob River near the Village of Khashgort (Northwestern Siberia)
Zolnikov I.D., Borodin A.V., Filatov E.A., Korkin S.E., Markova E.A., Yalkovskaya L.E., Galimov A.T., Levitskaya P.S.
For more than half a century, the question remained unresolved why the closely located sequences of fluvial sands overlying Middle Pleistocene diamicton in the lower reaches of the Ob River near the village of Khashgort contain micromammal faunas of different evolutionary levels: Late Quaternary (430 km from the Ob River mouth) and Middle Quaternary (442 (440) km from the Ob River mouth). This was in contradiction with generally accepted ideas, according to which the absence of Middle Quaternary alluvium was assumed in this area and called into question either geological or paleontological interpretations of the Pleistocene history of north of Western Siberia. This paper presents the results of correlating two geological sections based on both geological and paleontological methods and suggests an updated biostratigraphic interpretation of the materials relevant to the Karginian and Tazovian horizons of Western Siberia collected in the 1980s and 2016–2022. It was established that the Late Quaternary assemblage of micromammals from the sections at kilometer 430 of the Ob River is confined to alluvium of the second terrace above the river floodplain, while the Middle Quaternary assemblage at kilometer 442 (the Khashgort locality, kilometer 440 of the Bolshaya Ob River) is associated with fluvioglacial sands showing signs of close redeposition of small mammal remains in the megaclasts contained in Middle Quaternary Khashgort boulder-bearing sandy aleuropelites. Thus, the study makes it possible to harmonize the geological and paleontological data that were in conflict for more than half a century.
Analysis of the level regime of the Iga river of the Nizhnevartovsk district of the Khanty-Mansi autonomous district Siberia
Tusupbekov Z., Popova N., Ryapolova N., Nadtochiy V., Kuznetsova T.
Obtaining hydrological information in general, as well as determining the estimated water levels on water bodies, are mostly associated with the construction of hydraulic structures that allow the use of water for the needs of the national economy. The oil production industry is widely developed on the territory of the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. Often oil and gas fields are located in sparsely populated areas where there is no information about the hydrological regime of watercourses. In order to ensure the safe operation of construction projects, there is a need to obtain hydrological information for crossed or nearby watercourses. Thus, this type of work is performed almost everywhere to solve similar problems. In this article, studies of the Iga River, located in the right bank of the Ob River, were carried out. To identify the degree of influence of the river level in different periods of the year, hydrological calculations of spring floods and rain floods were performed. Based on the calculations, a graph of the relationship between costs and levels was constructed. To determine the possible backup of the level of the Ob River to the level regime of the Iga River during periods of high waters, the levels of the Ob River were determined. Based on the analysis of joint levels, a conclusion was made about the influence of the Ob on the hydrological regime of the Iga River
Clay minerals influence on the process of oil displacement by water in Jurassic reservoirs
Krivova N., Belokurova E., Leontiev S.
Investigations of mineralogical composition of clay fraction of rock samples, injection of different water into Jurassic sediments at different fields are considered. It was found that the final oil recovery of reservoirs at reservoir pressure maintenance by water injection is significantly affected by swelling of clay minerals.
Grazing capacity of reindeer pastures in the boreal zone of the West Siberian Plain
Korkina E., Kushanova A., Seredovskich B.
Field studies were carried the grazing capacity of the reindeer in the boreal zone. The study is based on the study phytomass forage plants of the reindeer grazing. Soil, geobotanical descriptions were made grazing capacity on the methodology for determining productivity and calculating the fodder capacity of reindeer pastures. The identification of potentially suitable places for the reindeer was carried out on the basis of the decryption of satellite images and the digitization of thematic maps. Grazing capacity was with the allocation on the geobotanical map of the areas of distribution of pine-lichen white-moss and pine lichen-cowberry forests, and on the soil map - the areas of finding illuvial-ferruginous podzols. The study revealed that best the landscape-ecological conditions for the growth of lichens of the species Cladonia alpestris (L.) are the pinery on the podzols in Siberian ridges (Siberian Uvals). Based on the results of field studies, the fodder capacity of reindeer pastures for the studied areas was calculated, and the estimated number of deer was determined. The conducted studies make it possible to judge the state of individual areas suitable for reindeer habitats, and thus make it possible to assess the degree of prospects for reindeer breeding.
Training Bachelors in Computer Science and Computer Engineering
Handbook of Research on Teaching Methods in Language Translation and Interpretation
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Yalamov G.Y., Kaziakhmedov T.B.

The chapter discusses the problems of training IT specialists in universities. The authors argue in favor of improving this training, which requires a special attitude both to the content and technical support, as well as to teaching methods and forms. Among the most demanding issues are the difference between the scientific field and the scientific content of academic disciplines, the inevitability of the emergence of new academic disciplines on an interdisciplinary basis, the need to attract specialized IT specialists. An approach to training IT specialists through interdisciplinary forms and teaching methods is proposed and discussed by the authors. This approach is based on the creation of training courses at the junction of several disciplines. An example of applying an interdisciplinary approach to the preparation of a bachelor's in computer science and computer engineering is discussed.
Late Middle Pleistocene sequences in the lower Ob’ and Irtysh (West Siberia) and new multi-proxy records of terrestrial environmental change
Borodin A.V., Markova E.A., Korkin S.E., Trofimova S.S., Zinovyev E.V., Isypov V.A., Yalkovskaya L.E., Kurbanov R.N.
The Middle Pleistocene environmental history of the north of West Siberia is very incomplete. Only a few poorly preserved paleoarchives are known so far in this huge part of Eurasia encompassing up to one million square kilometers. Here we present new data (micromammals, insects, plant macrofossils and luminescence dating) from the lower reaches of the Ob’ and Irtysh Rivers. We reconstruct the circumstances of the formation of the fossil-bearing sites Bolshaya Ob 440 km – Khashgort (BOB440) and Gornopravdinsk 2 (GP2) and compare the results with the current state of knowledge of the environmental change in this area. The combined evidence suggests that the fossil-bearing unit known as the Khashgort diagonal sands at BOB440 yields 1) a late Middle Pleistocene complex of fauna and flora of a cold terrestrial environment with tundra-like vegetation, 2) a Middle Pleistocene flora of interglacial environment with temperate vegetation, and 3) reworked fossils form the Late Cretaceous – Oligocene. Geochronometric data suggest that the Khashgort sand unit at BOB440 might have been formed during the Middle/Late Pleistocene transition. However, because of a high variation in results obtained on repeated samples from the same strata, some uncertainty of the luminescence dating remains, which requires further verification. The fossil-bearing fluvial sequence at GP2 represents the lower part of the Chembakchino Formation and encompasses the lower part of the Tobolian Horizon (correlated with Holsteinian). The micromammal complex comprises Dicrostonyx simplicior (intermediate morphological stage S2 sensu Smirnov et al., 1997), Lasiopodomys gregalis, Microtus nivaloides lidiae and other taxa, which are characteristic of the early evolutionary stage of late Middle Pleistocene faunas in the north of West Siberia. The paleoecological analysis of plant and animal remains at GP2 suggests an environmental change from cold, tundra-like landscapes at the Shaitanian/Tobolian transition (MIS 12 – MIS 11) to non-analogous open patchy landscapes with highly productive moss and herbaceous vegetation during the early Tobolian time.
Omsk Province: History of Border Formation in 1919-1925
Korzhenevsky K.B.
The article examines the issue of establishing the borders of the Omsk province with neighboring territories. The main directions of the delimitation processes with Siberian provinces and the Kirghiz (Kazakh) Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic are analyzed: the allocation of certain districts of the Tyumen province under the control of Omsk; the transfer of parts of the Altai and Tomsk provinces to the Omsk province; the transfer of several districts that were part of the Akmolinsk region to the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR; and the dispute over the territorial affiliation of the Ishim and Pavlodar districts by Omsk. The complexity and ambiguity of territorial demarcation resulting from spontaneous changes in Russia’s administrative-territorial system during the revolutionary events of 1917, the Civil War, and the initial transformations of the Bolsheviks are demonstrated. It is revealed that the main issue was the formation of the southern border of the Omsk province with the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR, which later became the state border between Russia and Kazakhstan. It is noted that the authorities of the Omsk province systematically defended territorial interests not only of their own province but also of Siberia as a whole, being key players in the region. The conclusion is drawn that thanks to the territorial shifts in southern Western Siberia, a foundation was laid for the formation of stable borders between Siberia and the Kirghiz (Kazakh) ASSR.
The impact of adverse climatic conditions and forms of labour management on the quality of life of the population
Pogonysheva I.A., Shalamova E.Y., Ragozin O.N., Pogonyshev D.A., Kerimova N.R.
Introduction. The quality of life is a cumulative characteristic of different aspects of a person’s life affected by uncomfortable climatic and geographical conditions.
Materials and methods. The health-related quality of life was studied using the SF-36 questionnaire. Men and women engaged in mental labour were residents of Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra, manual workers (men) lived outside the district and worked on a rotational basis.
Results. The indicators of the quality of life according to the state of health among the workers of the northern region, depending on the nature of labour activity and gender were determined. In the examined groups, latent factors of the quality of life were revealed.
Limitations. Men and women engaged in mental work; men working on a rotational basis.
Conclusion. The conditions of the northern region in the quality of life were determined by the state of health, there are differences associated with the nature of labour activity and gender. Occupationally conditioned increased social activity was shown to negatively affect on the somatic and mental health of males. As a result, in groups of office workers, the gender characteristics of self-assessment of psychological criteria for the quality of life are partially levelled, in the presence of differences in the physical component. The leading factor in the quality of life for them was the psychological comfort. For men engaged in physical labour, the leading factor in the quality of life was the scale of role functioning, due to physical condition, that is, the most important thing for them was the possibility of life, not limited by deviations in physical health.