Publications found: 149
Treatment Patterns, Adverse Events, and Clinical Outcomes with Steroidal Mineralocorticoid Receptor Antagonists: A Retrospective Analysis of Administrative Claims Data (RELICS)
Richard E., Desai N., Willey V., Gay A., Scott C., Folkerts K., Pessina E., Singh R., Teng C., Oberprieler N.
Validation of Mortality Data Sources Compared to the National Death Index in the Healthcare Integrated Research Database
Jamal-Allial A., Sponholtz T., Vojjala S., Paullin M., Papazian A., Eshete B., Mahmoudpour S., Verpillat P., Beachler D.
Review of Challenges in Performing Real-World Evidence Studies for Nonprescription Products
Maihöfner C., Mallick-Searle T., Vollert J., Kalita P., Sood Sethi V.
Measuring Diagnostic Quality: The Capacity of Routinely Collected Data and Applications to Chronic Respiratory Disease
Mountain R., Gatheral T., Haslam P., Heys K., Knight J.
Detection of Patient-Level Immunotherapy-Related Adverse Events (irAEs) from Clinical Narratives of Electronic Health Records: A High-Sensitivity Artificial Intelligence Model
Zitu M.M., Gatti-Mays M., Johnson K., Zhang S., Shendre A., Elsaid M., Li L.
Validation and Final Results from the First Cardiac Lead Post-Approval Study Using Real-World Data
Mullane S., Hicks J., Sharmin K., Harrell C., Rock A., Miller C.
Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry in US Primary Care Patients Diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Evans A., Tarabichi Y., Pace W., Make B., Bushell N., Carter V., Chang K., Fox C., Han M., Kaplan A., Kocks J., Le Lievre C., Roussos A., Skolnik N., Soriano J., et. al.
Patient Characteristics, Management, and Outcomes of Adult Asthma in a Singapore Population: Data from the SDG-CARE Asthma Registry
Koh M., Lam S., Xu X., Wu J.T., Ratnasingham P., Marsel R., Ong M., Matchar D., Tan N.C., Loo C.
Improving the Transparency and Replicability of Consensus Methods: Respiratory Medicine as a Case Example
Rolfe M., Winchester C., Chisholm A., Price D.
Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis Patient Characterization and Real-World Management Approaches in Italy
Bugianesi E., Miele L., Donnarumma G., Grau K., Mancuso M., Prasad P., Leith A., Higgins V.
Involvement of Root Canal Treatment in Pro-Inflammatory Processes – A Real-World Study
Diederich J., Müller K.
Pragmatic and Observational Research
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
UK Electronic Healthcare Records for Research: A Scientometric Analysis of Respiratory, Cardiovascular, and COVID-19 Publications
Massen G., Blamires O., Grainger M., Matta M., Twumasi R., Joshi T., Laity A., Nakariakova E., Thavaranjan T., Sheikh A., Quint J.
Pragmatic and Observational Research
citations by CoLab: 1

Open Access
A Real-World Study on the Short-Term Efficacy of Amlodipine in Treating Hypertension Among Inpatients
Wang T., Tan J., Wang T., Xiang S., Zhang Y., Jian C., Jian J., Zhao W.
Pragmatic and Observational Research
citations by CoLab: 0

Open Access
Therapeutic Advances in Obesity: How Real-World Evidence Impacts Affordability Beyond Standard of Care
Patoulias D., Koufakis T., Ruža I., El-Tanani M., Rizzo M.
Pragmatic and Observational Research
citations by CoLab: 1

Open Access