Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications
Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Communications and Information Technology Association (ECTI)
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Computer Networks and Communications
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Computer Science
Years of issue
journal names
Transactions on Electrical Engineering, Electronics, and Communications
ECTI Transactions on Electrical Engineering Electronics and Communications
Top-3 citing journals

IEEE Access
(12 citations)

Journal of Optical Communications
(9 citations)

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
(8 citations)
Most cited in 5 years
Citing journals
IEEE Access
12 citations, 3.97%
Journal of Optical Communications
9 citations, 2.98%
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
8 citations, 2.65%
7 citations, 2.32%
7 citations, 2.32%
Clean Energy
5 citations, 1.66%
Applied Sciences (Switzerland)
5 citations, 1.66%
5 citations, 1.66%
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering
4 citations, 1.32%
Electric Power Components and Systems
4 citations, 1.32%
4 citations, 1.32%
International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems
2 citations, 0.66%
Lecture Notes in Computer Science
2 citations, 0.66%
International Journal of Communication Systems
2 citations, 0.66%
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects
2 citations, 0.66%
International Journal of Numerical Modelling: Electronic Networks, Devices and Fields
2 citations, 0.66%
ISA Transactions
2 citations, 0.66%
Journal of Computer Networks and Communications
2 citations, 0.66%
Wireless Networks
2 citations, 0.66%
Renewable Energy
2 citations, 0.66%
Electric Power Systems Research
2 citations, 0.66%
Communications in Computer and Information Science
2 citations, 0.66%
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control
2 citations, 0.66%
Electrical Engineering
2 citations, 0.66%
Frontiers in Energy Research
2 citations, 0.66%
Scientific Reports
2 citations, 0.66%
Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies
2 citations, 0.66%
International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems
2 citations, 0.66%
Journal of Control, Automation and Electrical Systems
2 citations, 0.66%
Optical and Quantum Electronics
2 citations, 0.66%
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2 citations, 0.66%
Soft Computing
2 citations, 0.66%
Computers and Electrical Engineering
2 citations, 0.66%
Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing
2 citations, 0.66%
Multimedia Tools and Applications
2 citations, 0.66%
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering
2 citations, 0.66%
IETE Journal of Research
2 citations, 0.66%
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics
2 citations, 0.66%
Water (Switzerland)
2 citations, 0.66%
AEJ - Alexandria Engineering Journal
2 citations, 0.66%
Results in Optics
2 citations, 0.66%
Engineering Research Express
2 citations, 0.66%
Energy Systems
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
Surfaces and Interfaces
1 citation, 0.33%
Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience
1 citation, 0.33%
International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management
1 citation, 0.33%
International Journal of Electronics
1 citation, 0.33%
ITE Transactions on Media Technology and Applications
1 citation, 0.33%
Smart Sensors, Measurement and Instrumentation
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
Studies in Computational Intelligence
1 citation, 0.33%
IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
1 citation, 0.33%
IET Networks
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems
1 citation, 0.33%
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis
1 citation, 0.33%
Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering
1 citation, 0.33%
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics
1 citation, 0.33%
Electronics (Switzerland)
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Advanced Transportation
1 citation, 0.33%
Pattern Recognition Letters
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Intelligent and Robotic Systems: Theory and Applications
1 citation, 0.33%
Energy Procedia
1 citation, 0.33%
Computer Communications
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
1 citation, 0.33%
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications
1 citation, 0.33%
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks
1 citation, 0.33%
Frontiers in Physics
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Information and Communication Convergence Engineering
1 citation, 0.33%
Computers and Security
1 citation, 0.33%
Engineering Optimization
1 citation, 0.33%
Results in Engineering
1 citation, 0.33%
Internet of Things
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 citation, 0.33%
Evolutionary Intelligence
1 citation, 0.33%
Wireless Personal Communications
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
E3S Web of Conferences
1 citation, 0.33%
IEEE Sensors Journal
1 citation, 0.33%
Computers, Materials and Continua
1 citation, 0.33%
ACS Photonics
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
Microscopy Research and Technique
1 citation, 0.33%
International Journal of Sustainable Energy
1 citation, 0.33%
Physical Communication
1 citation, 0.33%
Acoustical Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.33%
Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing
1 citation, 0.33%
Optimal Control Applications and Methods
1 citation, 0.33%
Studies in Applied Philosophy, Epistemology and Rational Ethics
1 citation, 0.33%
Engineering with Computers
1 citation, 0.33%
Frontiers in Physiology
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
Tsinghua Science and Technology
1 citation, 0.33%
Journal of Network and Computer Applications
1 citation, 0.33%
Show all (70 more) | |
Citing publishers
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
59 citations, 19.54%
Springer Nature
44 citations, 14.57%
39 citations, 12.91%
33 citations, 10.93%
14 citations, 4.64%
Taylor & Francis
12 citations, 3.97%
Walter de Gruyter
11 citations, 3.64%
IOP Publishing
11 citations, 3.64%
Oxford University Press
5 citations, 1.66%
Hindawi Limited
5 citations, 1.66%
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
4 citations, 1.32%
Frontiers Media S.A.
4 citations, 1.32%
3 citations, 0.99%
Bentham Science Publishers Ltd.
2 citations, 0.66%
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
2 citations, 0.66%
Alexandria University
2 citations, 0.66%
IOS Press
1 citation, 0.33%
American Chemical Society (ACS)
1 citation, 0.33%
EDP Sciences
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
AIP Publishing
1 citation, 0.33%
Public Library of Science (PLoS)
1 citation, 0.33%
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences (AIMS)
1 citation, 0.33%
Institute of Image Information and Television Engineers
1 citation, 0.33%
1 citation, 0.33%
Instrument Society of America
1 citation, 0.33%
Tsinghua University Press
1 citation, 0.33%
Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
1 citation, 0.33%
Acoustical Society of Japan
1 citation, 0.33%
Korean Institute of Communications Information Sciences
1 citation, 0.33%
Transport and Telecommunication Institute
1 citation, 0.33%
National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Co. LTD Ukrinformnauka) (Publications)
1 citation, 0.33%
Now Publishers
1 citation, 0.33%
Tech Science Press
1 citation, 0.33%
World Scientific and Engineering Academy and Society (WSEAS)
1 citation, 0.33%
Research Square Platform LLC
1 citation, 0.33%
Show all (6 more) | |
2 profile journal articles
Alabady Salah

University of Mosul
40 publications,
243 citations
h-index: 7