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Publications found: 317
Phytoplankton as an indicator of the current ecological status of the Ob River
Barsukova N.N., Bazhenova O.P., Kolesnichenko L.G.
The species composition, taxonomic structure, and the dominant complex of algae, and the distribution of phytoplankton abundance in the studied watercourse were identified based on data obtained for phytoplankton from the Ob River (from Tomsk to Salekhard) in summer 2019. Green algae (division Chlorophyta) make up the basis of the phytoplankton abundance in the river. The dominant complex is represented mainly by centric diatoms (genera Aulaсoseira, Cyclotella, Stephanodiscus) and non-heterocyst forms of cyanoprokaryotes (genus Aphanocapsa). The numbers and biomass of phytoplankton gradually decrease downstream of the Ob River; below the confluence of the Irtysh River, the edge effect occurs: increase in the diversity and density of organisms at the boundaries of ecosystems. Compared to the previous studies, the proportion of green and euglena algae, and cyanoprokaryotes in the taxonomic spectrum of phytoplankton increased, the composition of the dominant complex enriched, including due to non-heterocyst forms of cyanoprokaryotes, and the trophic status of the river increased to the category of eutrophic waters.
The spatial analysis of landscape ecological stability and ecological security in the steppe regions of Russia
Chibilyov Jr A.A., Meleshkin D.S., Grigorevsky D.V.
The ecological-economic security [EES] and the landscape-ecological stability of the steppe regions of Russia are the main factors of national security and indicators of the sustainability of socio-economic development. Therefore, it is advisable to consider them based on large-scale studies. The study territory is a mesoregion, including the steppe zone of Russia. A comprehensive analysis of the economic development, social sector, and ecological condition of the territory became the basis for assessing the EES of the regions. We assessed landscape-ecological stability by calculating the coefficient of ecological stability of the landscape. Based on reliable information, we formed a database that comprises 37 indicators for 18 steppe regions of Russia. Using the coefficients and integral indices, we compiled an integrated schematic map. As a result, we established that the level of stability of the ecological landscape increases to the northeast of the studied territory. We observed the maximum value of the ecological and economic security index (1.8) in Krasnodar Krai, the Republic of Bashkortostan, and Novosibirsk Krai. Furthermore, we characterized the regions where the coefficient of ecological landscape stability exceeded 1 by indicators of ecological and economic security, presented in the ratio 1/1.5/2.
New discoveries of Geometridae (Lepidoptera) from the extreme southwest of the Russian Far East – result of climate impact?
Beljaev E.A., Knyazev S.A.
New founds of 4 species of East Asian Geometridae: Megabiston plumosaria (Leech, 1891), Photoscotosia lucicolens (Butler, 1878), Callabraxas fabiolaria (Oberthür, 1884), and Dysstroma cinereata (Moore, 1867) in the extreme southwest of the Russian Far East are presented and discussed due to the actual distribution and its current trends. From them Ph. lucicolens is recorded from Russia and China (Jilin) for the first time. Identity of specimens of "Photoscotosia atrostrigata" and "Dysstroma cinereata" in Barcode of Life Database is revised to Ph. lucicolens and Paradysstroma corussaria (Oberthür, 1880) respectively. These founds probably indicate northern expansion of ranges of geometrid moth in accordance with the current climatic trend of global warming. Potential harmfulness of M. plumosaria in RFE is assumed. The validity of Dysstroma cinerea cesa Koçak & Kemal, 2001, as a substitute name for Dysstroma cinereata japonica (Heydemann, 1929) is substantiated.
Synanthropization and species diversityof floodplain ecosystems of the Ob-Irtysh basin, Russia
Popova E.I.
Currently, the phytocenoses of the Irtysh floodplain are experiencing intense anthropogenic pressures due to the intensive development of the oil and gas industry, as well as the urbanization of the territory. This paper focuses on the structure and species composition of the 27 studied areas in the floodplain ecosystems of the Ob-Irtysh basin. As a result of the research, we found 111 species of vascular plants from 33 families in plant communities. The areas belong to meadows and forest vegetation are represented by (1) birch forests (33%), (2) pine forests (10%), (3) fir forests (8%), (4) aspen forests (4%) and (5) associations of meadows (45%). Furthermore, we conducted a comparative analysis of the studied phytocenoses according to the Drude scale. To determine the anthropogenic transformation of the flora and individual plant communities, we determined the synanthropization index (the ratio of synanthropic species to the total number of species). In the synanthropic flora fraction, we distinguished 45 species belonging to 12 families, with the most multispecies being Apiaceae, Scrophulariaceae, Compositeae, Ranunculaceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, Plantaginaceae. The synanthropization index of the studied phytocenoses ranges from 6.6% to 81.2%. The largest number of synanthropic species occurs in meadow associations, the content of synanthropes is greater than 50%, the structure is becoming more superficial, and the productivity and stability of plant communities are changing. The study of the horizontal structure of grass stands of meadow phytocenoses makes it possible to find the variability of different years, the change of dominant species and the stability of the species composition. Currently, researchers are paying considerable attention to the analysis of the structure of the herbage, since its study is of great theoretical and practical importance in clarifying phytocenotic relations.
Ecological and morphological features of Rhodiola rosea L. in natural populations in the Altai Mountains
Prokopyev A.S., Yamburov M.S., Chernova O.D., Kataeva T.N., Prokopyeva E.S., Machkinis E.Y., Kuznetsov A.A.
AbstractThe paper presents the results of the comprehensive study of Rhodiola rosea L. in natural populations in the Altai Mountains. The phytocoenotic confinement, demographic structure, and morphological characters of coenopopulations of Rh. rosea were studied in different ecological and coenotic conditions in the Chemal and Kosh-Agach regions of the Republic of Altai. Correlation between the morphometric parameters and their calculated values for the shoot and sex of the studied individuals, as well as environmental factors, was revealed. Rhodiola rosea L. is a valuable medicinal plant used for functional diseases of the central nervous system. At present, the natural reserves and areas of natural growth of the golden root have decreased significantly. The species is included in the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation (2008) and many regional Red Data Books of Siberia. In the Altai Mountains, Rh. rosea is widespread throughout the highlands, where it has occupied a wide range of habitats. The study showed that the highest values of ecological and effective density are characteristic of coenopopulations which are part of various hygrophytic variants of alpine and subalpine miscellaneous herbs with a high total projective cover of the herbaceous layer (CP 1, 2, 3, 4). The lowest values were found for coenopopulations growing in communities with a scarce herbaceous layer or dense shrub layer, and on steep gravelly slopes with crumbling soil and nonuniform moisture distribution (CP 5, 6, 8, 9). The studied coenopopulations are normal, full-membered, or incomplete-membered (some of them lack postgenerative individuals). In terms of the ontogenetic spectra, they are mainly left-sided, with a predominance of young generative individuals (CP 4, 5, 7) or bimodal, with an additional peak for old generative individuals (CP 2, 3, 6, 8). Male and female individuals Rh. rosea differ in many morphometric characters of the generative shoots. In some coenopopulations (CP 2, 3, 6, 9), male and female individuals show multidirectional deviation of characters compared to the totality, which indicates that in different environmental conditions these characters are not only genetically determined but can also be related to the sex of individuals.
New records of Geometridae and Noctuidae (Insecta: Lepidoptera) from Omsk and Novosibirsk Regions of Russia
Knyazev S.A., Ivonin V.V., Vasilenko S.V., Saikina S.M.
Nine species of Lepidoptera from the territory of Omsk and Novosibirsk Regions are reported. Four species are new to Omsk Region, among them, Panchrysia ornata (Bremer, 1864), Sympistis campicola Lederer, 1853, Pseudohadena argyllostigma (Varga & Ronkay, 1991), Orthosia cerasi (Fabricius, 1775). Six species are new to Novosibirsk region, among them Eupithecia carpophillata Staudinger, 1897, Idaea nitidata (Herrich-Schäffer, 1861), Sympistis campicola Lederer, 1853, Sidemia spilogramma (Rambur, 1871), Polia malchani (Draudt, 1934), Sideridis lampra Schawerda, 1913.
New records of Crambidae (Insecta, Lepidoptera) from Omsk Region
Knyazev S.A., Saikina S.M., Ponomarev K.B.
Four species of Crambidae are reported from the territory of Omsk Region of Russia. Titanio ledereri (Staudinger, 1870) is new to Asian part of Russia, Loxostege peltalis (Eversmann, 1842), Catoptria verellus (Zincken, 1817) and Ostrinia peregrinalis (Eversmann, 1852) are new to West Siberia.
Comparative analysis of phytolith spectra of steppe and forest phytocoenoses
Speranskaya N.Y., Zhembrovskaya T.A., Bobkova D.G.
The primary research goal is to identify differences and diagnostic features of the phytolith spectra of the steppe and forest phytocoenoses. The paper presents the research results of recent soils from various communities. The authors employ the phytolith analysis method. The isolation of phytoliths from recent soils has been carried out with the help of the maceration method and from plants – the dry ashing method. The authors counted the phytoliths using the Olympus BX-51 light microscope. Additionally, the authors have compiled the spectra using the 2C software. The paper compares the phytolith spectra of plain and mountain steppe phytocoenoses. The comparison reveals that the considered plain communities are more similar in phytolith composition than the mountain ones. The following morphotypes are common for all spectra: low conical rondel particles and psilate ribbed particles. These are the forms that characterize steppe communities. Analysis of phytolith spectra of the mountain forest communities demonstrates that the presence of ribbed particles of psilate is common for all spectra. The common feature of all forest spectra is the presence of psilate symmetrical particles, polylobate trapeziforms, lanceolates (trichomes) with a massive base, and trapeziform bilobate (“Stipa-type”) particles. In the spectra of all pine forests, there is a low content or complete absence of needle phytoliths. Diagnostic features of individual phytocoenoses have not been found. The most significant is the ratio of individual phytolith forms in the phytolith spectrum. The comparative analysis of phytolith spectra of the phytocoenoses in the south of western Siberia is carried out for the first time.
Populations of Agrostis diluta Kurcz. and Psathyrostachys caespitosa (Sukaczev) Peschkova in Yakutia: dynamics of vitality
Kardashevskaya V.E., Egorova N.N.
In Yakutia, natural floodplain meadows and steppes have long been involved in economic activities. To develop methods of rational use, one needs to constantly consider the state of vegetation, mainly its constituent populations. Our research focuses on studying the dynamics of the vitality of the populations of the Agrostis diluta Kurcz. and steppe Psathyrostachys caespitosa (Sukaczev) Peschkova cereals. These species play an essential role in the composition of vegetation cover. We determined the vitality coefficient IVC. Our study of populations over several years has revealed the dynamic mobility of the vital structure, which is of adaptive significance and ensures the sustainability of populations. We have found that the vital structure of the cereal populations of the meadow Agrostis diluta and the steppe Psathyrostachys caespitosa during long-term studies (2007–2013 and 2007–2016, respectively) is heterogeneous. In unfavorable humidification conditions, we characterize years as depressive. Under favorable conditions of humidification, they quickly turn into thriving plants. In addition to the weather of the vegetation periods, habitat specificity affects the vitality of species populations that differ in ecological and coenotic characteristics. The Q quality index and IVC correspond to each other by year and form a clear descending order during the transition from a thriving to a depressive state. Currently, the vital state of the populations of both species is satisfactory.
Microlepidoptera of Omsk Region (Russia). Communication 2. Families: Eriocraniidae, Nepticulidae, Opostegidae, Adelidae, Prodoxidae, Incurvariidae, Psychidae, Tineidae, Roeslerstammiidae, Bucculatricidae, Yponomeutidae, Argyresthiidae, Plutellidae, Acrolepiidae, Glyphipterigidae, Ypsolophidae, Lyonetiidae, Bedelliidae, Elachistidae, Parametriotidae, Scythrididae, Momphidae, Blastobasidae, Batrachedridae, Cosmopterigidae, Epermeniidae, Choreutidae
Sinev S.Y., Knyazev S.A.
The second сommunication on the Microlepidoptera fauna of Omsk Region of Russia includes information about 115 species. Most part of them is new to the regional fauna. The list includes 14 species recorded from the Asian part of Russia for the first time, among them Opostega salaciella (Treitschke, 1833), Myrmecozela ochraceella (Tengström, 1848), Bucculatrix ulmella Zeller, 1848, Euhyponomeutoides ribesiellus (Joannis, 1900), Glyphipterix equitella (Scopoli, 1763), Mendesia farinella (Thunberg, 1794), Elachista humilis Zeller, 1850, Elachista littoricola Le Marchand, 1938, Elachista pollutella Duponchel, 1843, Elachista pullicomella Zeller, 1839, Biselachista albidella (Nylander, 1848), Scythris flavilaterella (Fuchs, 1886), Pyroderces argyrogrammos (Zeller, 1847), Epermenia iniquella (Wocke, 1867).
Syntaxonomic and ecological peculiarities of extra-zonal pine forests with participation of Acer negundo L. from the forest-steppe and steppe zones of Altai Krai (South-Eastern Siberia)
Ovcharova N.V., Ermakov N.B., Silantyeva M.M.
The syntaxonomic analysis of pine forests with Acer negundo occurring on fluvio-glacial sandy deposits of Altai Krai (South-East Siberia) was made based on 93 releves. It was established that Acer negundo takes a different phytocenotic part in 2 associations, 2 variants, and 6 no-ranked communities of 4 classes and 4 orders according to the Braun-Blanquet approach. The method of detrended correspondence analysis (DCA coordination) implemented in the DECORANA software package was used to confirm the ecological and floristic integrity of the identified vegetation units. New data on the spatial syntaxa distributions depend on the complex humidity gradient, soil fertility, and anthropogenic factors. Acer negundo is most abundant and common in the communities of the Brachypodio-Betuletea pendulae class, which are characterized by habitats with moderate moistening and greater soil fertility. In the spatial series considered, according to the soil fertility and humidity gradients, we observe an increase in Acer negundo in the Vicia sylvatica – Pinus sylvestris community and an increase in the activity of mesophytes and mesohygrophytes that are more demanding to soil fertility.
First record of Lycoperdina succincta (Linnaeus, 1767) (Coleoptera, Endomychidae) from Kazakhstan
Temreshev I.I.
Handsome fungus beetle Lycoperdina succincta (Linnaeus, 1767) from the family Endomychidae is the first recorded from Kazakhstan (North Kazakhstan, Akmola, and North Kazakhstan regions and South-East Kazakhstan, Almaty region). The finds of L. succincta from the Almaty region of Kazakhstan are currently the southernmost localities for this species and a new record for Central Asia. Coprinus comatus (O.F. Müller) Persoon, 1797, Tulostoma volvulatum I.G. Borshchov, 1865, Bovistella utriformis (Bulliard) Demoulin & Rebriev, 2017 and Tricholoma terreum (Schaeffer) P. Kummer, 1871 for L. succincta were recorded from Lazakhstan also. A key to  determining the  known genera and species of Endomychidae from Kazakhstan is given.
A study on plant preferences of red panda (Ailurus fulgens) in the wild habitat: foundation for the conservation of the species
Roka B., Jha A.K., Chhetri D.R.
The red panda is a lesser carnivore that has adapted to the herbivore diet and is distributed in the Himalayan and Hengduan mountain ranges. The study conducted on red panda in Singalila National Park recorded the highest encounter of the species within the altitude of 2800 to 3200 meters in the broad leaf deciduous and broad leaf coniferous forest. 22.22% of direct sightings of red pandas occurred on plant species belonging to the family Fagaceae and were followed by the family Ericaceae (18.52%). The plant species mostly preferred by the red panda in Singalila National Park were Lithocarpus pachyphyllus, Rhododendron arboreum, Abies densa, and Betulia utilis. During all seasons, the dominant plants found in the red panda pellets were Arundinaria maling and Arundinaria aristata.  The distribution of the red panda is influenced by the presence of the preferred plant species, therefore, through this studies effort has been made to document the plant species used by the red panda in the wild habitat.
Status and life strategy of Orchis punctulata Steven ex Lindl. (Orchidaceae) in the South-Eastern Crimea
Letukhova V.Y., Potapenko I.L.
This article presents the results of the population studies of rare protected species Orchis punctulata (Orchidaceae). Based on analysis of local floras in eastern and southeastern Crimea and personal observations, we identified the three most numerous populations of O. punctulata: two in the steppe (on the Tepe-Oba mountain ridge) and one in forest communities (on the Kiziltash mountain ridge). The ontogenetic, demographic, and vitality structures of the populations were studied. We also assessed the life strategies of the species in different habitats. The populations in steppe communities were characterized by high number and density parameters. O. punctulate often formed large clusters and was dominated here. A small number and low density characterized the population in the forest community; the distribution of individuals within the population was scattered. The age spectra were also different. The populations in steppe communities had a left-sided spectrum with a maximum in immature individuals, while in forest communities, it had a bimodal spectrum with maximums in generative (with a predominance of mature and old generative) and immature individuals. Specimens from forest communities were more extensive than those of steppe communities, they had longer leaves and inflorescences, and their inflorescences had a more significant number of flowers. As a result, the population in the forest community had a higher vitality index. It included individuals of the highest and middle class of vitality. The populations in the steppe community consisted of all classes of vitality or only of middle and lower classes. Thus, optimal environmental conditions for the growth of species are in forests. At the same time, a low level of regeneration and competition from other plants hinder its wide distribution. As a result, the species exserts as a phytocenotic patient (S-strategy). In steppe communities, the species is characterized by a mixed patient-explerant-violant strategy (SRC strategy).
A natural bacterial strain Bacillus pumilus 16: Identification and antibiotic resistance evaluation
Irkitova A.N., Malkova A.V., Dudnik D.E.
Microbial biopreparations are actively used to prevent, diagnose, and treat infectious, allergic, tumor, and autoimmune diseases in humans and animals; to stimulate the growth and development of plant crops. Natural bacterial strains with valuable technical properties are a vital biological resource for developing new biopreparations and rotating already known microbial preparations in the world market. This study describes a new natural strain B. pumilus 16, which was isolated from the rhizosphere of Cichorium. The strain was identified using morphological and physiological parameters, biochemical tests, and primers Pum-f. and Pum-r. Antibiotic sensitivity and antagonistic activity against Escherichia coli were determined by diffusion of discs and delayed antagonism methods, respectively. The new natural strain (like type strains) fermented arabinose, cellobiose, mannitol, mannose, salicin, sucrose, and trehalose, and gave a positive reaction to arginine dihydrolase, ONPG, Voges-Proskauer test. It also gave a negative reaction to inositol, raffinose, sorbitol, methyl-D-glucoside, inulin, and lecithinase. B. pumilus 16, unlike the test strains, was capable of fermenting citrate. Strain B. pumilus 16 was highly sensitive to cephalexin (37.9±0.7 mm) and enrofloxacin (25.7±8.9 mm); sensitive to ole-andomycin (17.1±1.9 mm), benzylpenicillin (18.5±1.2 mm), and monomycin (16.0±0.6 mm); resist-ant to oxacillin. By the agar blocks method (7.3±1.5 mm), a more pronounced antagonism of the new strain against E. coli was recorded than by the method of agar wells (5.3±0.6 mm). Due to the level of antagonistic activity, B. pumilus 16 was more effective than the type strains (two of which did not show an antagonistic effect). On the basis of this, the new strain can be recommended for inclusion in the bacterial preparation composition for the national economy.