Laboratory of biotechnology of new biomaterials

Head of Laboratory

Shishatskaya, Ekaterina Shishatskaya Igorevna

DSc in Biological/biomedical sciences, Lecturer
Authorization required.

Research and development of biodegradable materials based on microbial products. Environmental and bioengineering investigations.

  1. 2. Gas chromatographic methods. A combination of methodological techniques of field, laboratory and theoretical research. It is based on the technology of representative sampling of gas samples from various media, gas chromatographic analysis and the application of a set of criteria for the analysis of background and anomalous gas-geochemical fields.
  2. Cell and tissue culture
  3. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
  4. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
  5. Methods of qualitative and quantitative assessment of the content of secondary metabolites in cultures of cells and organs of higher plants (HPLC, NMR, HPLC-MS, spectrophotometry)
  6. Bacterial cultures

Research directions

Assessment of biocompatibility of new biopolymers

In vitro and in vivo evaluation of biological properties of microbial polymers

PHAs-based DDS

Drug Delivering Systems based on PHAs-particles

Evaluation of toxicity

Cells systems for toxicology

Publications and patents



Lab address

Свободный пр., 82А, Красноярск, Красноярский край
Authorization required.