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The Electron Microscopy Research Group solves the problems of analytical and quantitative microscopy, local elemental analysis, and crystallographic analysis in micro-regions.

  1. High-resolution transmission microscopy
  2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  3. Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
  4. Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
Safarov, Ilfat M
Ilfat Safarov
Head of Laboratory
Irek Musabirov 🥼 🤝
Senior Researcher
Ruslan Gaifullin 🤝
Junior researcher

Research directions

Scanning and transmission electron microscopy

The Group has two transmission electron microscopes JEM-2000EX from JEOL (Japan), scanning electron microscopes JSM-840A and JXA-6400. These microscopes are equipped with an X-ray dispersion and wave spectrometer for massive samples (SERIES II from Noran) and thin foils (INKA ENERGY TEM 200 from Oxfords Instruments), a system for analyzing the crystallographic structure of massive polycrystalline samples using the method of registration of back-reflected electrons (EBSD) (INKA CRYSTAL 300 from Oxfords Instruments). The laboratory also has equipment for making samples for both transmission and scanning electron microscopes. This is a device for electrolytic thinning of metal samples "TENUPOL 5" from STRUERS, a device from GATAN for thinning by ion bombardment of non-conductive samples.

Publications and patents


Lab address

ул. Степана Халтурина, 39, Уфа, Респ. Башкортостан
Authorization required.