laboratory for research of technological methods in animal husbandry and crop production

Authorization required.

В сферу наших интересов входят исследования в области овцеводства. Также использование природных антиоксидантов в овцеводстве, кролиководстве и птицеводстве

  1. Biochemical research methods
Pavel Ostapchuk
Head of Laboratory

Research directions

rabbit breeding, poultry, sheep breeding, natural antioxidants, biochemical and histological studies

In sheep breeding, F2 crosses obtained from a combination of Merinolandshaf and Lakon sheep and Tsigai ewes up to the age of 3.5 months were studied for the first time. In rabbit breeding, the effect of paternal forms of white (line A) and colored (line B) forms was studied for the first time as part of the creation of a new Crimean type, and the effect of mountain savory and oregano hydrolates as disinfectants for cages in young rabbits during the weaning period was tested.

Publications and patents

Lab address

Республика Крым, г. Симферополь, ул. Киевская, д. 150
Authorization required.