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The laboratory team is engaged in the development and research of micro- and nanocarriers for drug delivery and the creation of functional coatings. The study of synthesis, structural features and physico-chemical properties of polymer particles and capsules, inorganic porous particles, composite systems.

  1. Spectrophotometry
  2. Layer-By-Layer
  3. Confocal microscopy
  4. Crystallization
  5. Inorganic synthesis
  6. X-ray diffraction analysis
  7. Fluorescence microscopy
  8. UV-vis absorption spectroscopy
  9. Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Tatiana Bukreeva 🥼
Head of Laboratory
Tatiana Pallaeva 🥼 🤝
Leading researcher
Daria Trushina 🥼 🤝
Senior Researcher
Mikheev, Aleksandr Vladimirovich
Aleksandr Mikheev
Junior researcher
Ivan Burmistrov 🤝
PhD student

Research directions

Creation of capsules with polymer shells and containers based on inorganic porous particles ranging in size from several microns to hundreds of nanometers, focused on biomedical applications.

Publications and patents

Lab address

Москва, Ленинский проспект, 59
Authorization required.