Head of Laboratory

Alshits, Vladimir I

DSc in Physics and Mathematics, Professor
1 616
Authorization required.

The laboratory conducts theoretical and experimental research in the field of studying the mechanical properties of crystals, as well as methods of influencing these properties using external influences, including ultrasonic and electromagnetic processing of crystals in order to control their real structure.

The scope of the Laboratory's activities also includes the search for new functional crystalline materials, the development of methods for their production and the principles of their use in modern technology.

One of the key directions in the laboratory is research in the field of dislocation physics, both from the point of view of long-range internal stress fields created by dislocations, and in the sense of studying the mechanisms controlling their mobility, i.e. the plasticity of the crystal. A wide variety of studies are being conducted in this area at the level of individual dislocations and by macro-deformation of crystals.

  1. Dynamics of dislocations
  2. Microhardness
  3. Optical micrometry
Alshits, Vladimir I
Vladimir Alshits
Head of Laboratory
Koldaeva, Marina V
Marina Koldaeva 🥼
Senior Researcher

Research directions

The magnetoplastic effect

The magnetoplastic effect
The magnetoplastic effect (MPE) is a change in the mechanical properties of non–magnetic crystals under the influence of a magnetic field. It was discovered in our laboratory as the movement of individual dislocations in NaCl crystals placed in a constant magnetic field in the absence of other external influences. Along with the usual MPE, which corresponds to the plasticization of the crystal, a negative MPE was also found: the hardening of crystals in a magnetic field. Both in situ effects, which manifest themselves only during exposure, and magnetic memory effects are observed, in which the "magnetized" crystal retains its changed properties for some time. The physical nature of MPE consists in a magnetically induced change in the state and structure of paramagnetic impurity complexes. The transformation of the center occurs after the evolution of its spin subsystem into a state in which the quantum ban on a certain electronic transition is lifted, radically changing its structure. This can be accompanied by both a decrease and an increase in the height of the impurity potential barrier for dislocation movement. The effect is manifested both in microplasticity: dislocations move in a magnetic field by tens and hundreds of microns, and in macroplasticity: the yield strength of a crystal in a magnetic field can change several times, as well as in microhardness (changes after magnetic treatment can be ~ 10-20%) and in changes in other mechanical properties of crystals. Magnetic influences can be created in a constant field mode (a crystal between the poles of a magnet), an alternating field (rotation of the sample in a magnetic field or in a resonant mode when the crystal is placed in crossed magnetic fields: constant and variable at a frequency corresponding to the EPR condition. Some time ago, we discovered a resonant MPE in the Earth's magnetic field (~50 µT), when the variable pumping field (~2-3 µT) changes at radio frequencies (~1 MHz).

Lab address

Москва, Ленинский проспект, 59
Authorization required.