Laboratory of Electronic and Spin structure of Nanosystems

Head of Laboratory

Chulkov, Evgeny V

22 887
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Lab team

1. Experimental and theoretical study of the features of the electronic and spin structure of systems with a Dirac cone of electronic states based on topological insulators of various types and stoichiometry, with topologically protected surface states, as well as graphene synthesized on the surface of metals with high spin-orbit interaction.

2. Experimental studies of the possibility of controlling the electronic structure of non-magnetic BiTeX compounds (X=I, Br, Cl) with giant spin Rasp splitting, as well as the study of their phase transition to the state of a topological insulator.

3. To study the possibilities and methods of graphene functionalization, which make it possible to give graphene new necessary functional properties for effective use in electronic devices. To create spintronics devices based on graphene, the problem of injection of spin-polarized currents between graphene and a ferromagnetic contact and subsequent efficient transport of spin currents in graphene is solved.

4. Synthesis and study of hybrid nanostructures consisting of layers of topological insulators in combination with layers of graphene, promising for use in spintronics.

5. One of the strategic scientific objectives of the project is to solve the problem of creating a spin transistor controlled by an electric field.

  1. FASUR spectroscopy
  2. XPS spectroscopy
  3. Scanning probe microscopy
  4. DFT calculations
Chulkov, Evgeny V
Evgeny Chulkov
Head of Laboratory
Shikin, A M
A Shikin
Artem Rybkin
Leading researcher
Artem Tarasov 🥼
Senior Researcher
Rybkina, A A
A Rybkina
Junior researcher

Research directions

Experimental and theoretical study of the features of the electronic and spin structure of systems with a Dirac cone of electronic states

Experimental and theoretical study of the features of the electronic and spin structure of systems with a Dirac cone of electronic states based on topological insulators of various types and stoichiometry, with topologically protected surface states, as well as graphene synthesized on the surface of metals with high spin-orbit interaction.

Publications and patents

Александр Михайлович Шикин, Анна Алексеевна Рыбкина, Артем Геннадиевич Рыбкин, Илья Игоревич Климовских, Пётр Николаевич Скирдков
RU2677564, 2019

Lab address

Санкт-Петербург, Петергоф, ул. Ульяновская 1
Authorization required.