Center for Advanced Methods of Mesophysics and Nanotechnology

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Lab team

The MIPT Center for Advanced Mesoscience and Nanotechnology (MIPT Center for Advanced Mesoscience and Nanotechnology) was established in 2021 on the initiative of MIPT graduate, Nobel Prize winner in physics Sir Andrey Geim. The last decades have been marked by significant breakthroughs in the field of the discovery of new functional quantum materials and the implementation of hybrid quantum systems based on them. Among them are the discovery of graphene, high–temperature superconductors, magnetic superconductors, topological insulators and superconductors, the discovery and realization of natural crystalline and artificial multilayer structures with the coexistence of superconductivity and magnetism, the prediction and detection of new surface electronic states with non-trivial properties: Dirac, Weyl and Majorana fermions. These materials and structures, as well as the new effects predicted and discovered in them, are the basis of the new quantum electronics and spintronics of the future. The Center's research is based on modern probe and spectroscopic methods previously developed at MIPT, which are used to study the coherent electronic properties of new materials, low-dimensional self-organized systems, artificial mesoscopic structures and interfaces, hybrid systems with fundamentally different electronic order parameters, topological effects, etc.

Research directions of the Center:

● Topological quantum phenomena in superconducting systems;

● Studying the processes of interface formation at the atomic scale;

● Gate spectroscopy of mesoscopic systems;

● Research on the global properties of nanodevices: electronic transport, mechanical, molecular, etc.;

● Alternative methods for implementing new low-dimensional systems;

● Stabilization of the electronic subsystem by means of a combination of interfaces;

● Scanning techniques for studying the local properties of new materials and devices based on them;

● Research on functional quantum materials;

● Magnetic resonance spectroscopy;

● Quasi-one-dimensional multi-terminal devices.

  1. Scanning tunneling microscopy
  2. Magnetic force microscopy
  3. Electronic transport measurements
  4. Cryogenic research
  5. New materials
Vasily Stolyarov 🥼 🤝
Head of Laboratory
Irina Bobkova 🥼
Leading researcher
Alexander Frolov
Senior Researcher
Vladimirova, Nadezhda V
Nadezhda Vladimirova
Junior researcher

Research directions

Mesoscopic quantum phenomena in superconducting systems

Mesoscopic quantum phenomena in superconducting systems
The spectrum of macroscopic quantum effects in their modern understanding is quite wide — these are thermal radiation and photoelectric effect, lasers and radioactivity, as well as synchrotron radiation, fractional quantum Hall effect, etc. The most intriguing, because of their non-dissipative nature, are such effects as superfluidity and superconductivity. Thus, one of the relevant areas of research, both from a fundamental point of view and for the development of promising superconducting and quantum electronics, is the study of the quantum interaction of superconducting and non-superconducting systems on mesoscopic scales. The term is usually compared with the concepts of micro- and macroscopic (from the Greek mikros — small, mesos — intermediate, makros — large).

Publications and patents

Lab address

Институтский пер., 9, МФТИ, Лабораторный Корпус
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