Head of Laboratory

Kosarev, Vladimir Fedorovich

DSc in Physics and Mathematics
1 241
Authorization required.

Acceleration processes of fine particles in supersonic nozzles. Physical processes during the flow of supersonic two-phase jets onto an obstacle. High-speed deformation and adhesive interaction with a barrier of fine and ultrafine particles. Numerical simulation of acceleration and deceleration processes of micro- and nanoparticles in the cold gas dynamic sputtering (CGN) method based on a viscous, turbulent heat-conducting gas model and a continuo-discrete model for particles. Numerical simulation of the interaction of micro- and nanoparticles with an obstacle (adhesion of a particle to an obstacle, plastic deformation and destruction of a particle during interaction with an obstacle) based on elastoplastic models of continuous media (for microparticles) and the method of molecular dynamics (for nanoparticles). Mathematical modeling of physico-mechanical processes in CGN. Compaction of new materials with specified properties. Exploratory studies of the possibility of creating materials from mechanical mixtures of fine and ultrafine particles, including using chemical reactions (SHS). Development of installations and technological processes for the formation of coatings for various purposes. Experimental investigation of cold gas dynamic spraying of functional coatings made of metal and cermet powders and the study of coating properties.

  1. Shadow diagnostics
  2. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  3. Mechanical tests
  4. Optical microscopy
  5. Microhardness
  6. Laser diffraction
  7. Plasma treatment
  8. Cold gas dynamic spraying
  9. Optical profilometry
Kosarev, Vladimir Fedorovich
Vladimir Kosarev
Head of Laboratory

Research directions

Publications and patents

А.П. Алхимов, В.Ф. Косарев, Н.И. Нестерович, А.Н. Папырин
RU1773072, 1995
А.П. Алхимов, В.Ф. Косарев, Н.И. Нестерович, А.Н. Папирин
RU1603581, 1994

Lab address

Новосибирск, ул. Институтская, 4/1
Authorization required.