Head of Laboratory

Lyubimkov, Leonid Sergeevich

DSc in Physics and Mathematics
1 422
Authorization required.

The laboratory studies young stars at the three earliest stages of evolution:

1) stars before the beginning of the main sequence phase (GP), specifically stars of type T Taurus and Ae Herbig;

2) stars at the GP stage are dwarfs and giants of classes B and A;

3) stars immediately after leaving the GP are supergiants and giants of classes A, F, G and K.

  1. Photometric, spectral, polarimetric and magnetometric observations of stars
Lyubimkov, Leonid Sergeevich
Leonid Lyubimkov
Head of Laboratory
T Demidova
Leading researcher
Vitaliy Grigoryev 🤝
Junior researcher

Research directions

The study of young stars in the earliest stages

The project explores young stars at the three earliest stages of evolution: 1) stars before the beginning of the main sequence phase (GP), specifically stars of type T Taurus and Ae Herbig; 2) stars at the GP stage – dwarfs and giants of classes B and A; 3) stars immediately after leaving GP – supergiants and giants of classes A, F, G and K. The first group studies the evolution of the magnetic field, the interaction of a star with an accretion disk, and the physical properties of protoplanetary disks. For this purpose, a series of photometric, spectral, polarimetric and magnetometric observations of stars are carried out using domestic and foreign telescopes and techniques. In the second group, the content of some light elements, which are indicators of stellar evolution, is investigated. The lithium content is determined for a number of chemically granular (CP) stars. The third group examines the carbon content and the ratio of carbon isotopes 12C/13C for a number of cold giants and supergiants. The high-resolution spectra obtained for about 50 K-class giants determine the lithium and carbon content, as well as the ratio 12C/13C; all these values reflect the evolution of stars. Precision measurements of the radial velocities of giants and dwarfs of classes G and K are carried out in order to search for planets near these stars.

Publications and patents

Lab address

п. г. т. Научный, Научная ул., 41,
Authorization required.