Laboratory of Biologically Active Organic Compounds (BAOС)

Head of Laboratory

Beloglazkina, Elena K

DSc in Chemistry, Professor
Authorization required.

Development of modern methods for the synthesis of heterocyclic compounds with various substituents, search and synthesis of antitumor drugs.

  1. Improved organic synthesis
  2. IR spectroscopy
  3. Thin-layer chromatography
  4. NMR spectroscopy
Elena Beloglazkina
Head of Laboratory
Finko, Alexander V
Alexander Finko
Associate Professor
Uspenskaya, Anastasia A
Anastasia Uspenskaya 🤝
Junior researcher
Dmitrii Grishin 🤝
PhD student

Research directions

Chemistry of condensed heterocycles with bridged nitrogen atoms and much more

Experimental approaches for the search for new metal-containing anticancer drugs

Search for low molecular weight model systems capable of carrying out various processes of synthetic organic chemistry with efficiency and selectivity comparable to biochemical

Development of methods for the synthesis of new pyrazole derivatives. Search for new methods for the synthesis of bis-heterocyclic pyrazole derivatives (including hydrogenated ones) containing biologically significant functional groups, as well as their precursors

Development of universal and effective methods for the synthesis of substituted indoles and isomeric azaindoles, as well as other nitrogen-containing heterocycles

Reactions of electrophilic addition of nitrogen-, sulfur- and selenium-containing electrophiles in the presence of activating co-reagents (sulfur trioxide or halides/oxohaloganides of sulfur, phosphorus or silicon

Electrophilic nitrosation of the cyclopropane ring, followed by heterocyclization

Publications and patents

Длин Е.А., Выговский А.А., Финько А.В., Белоглазкина Е.К., Мажуга А.Г.
RU2730550C1, 2020
Мачулкин А.Э., Мажуга А.Г., Бер А.П., Петров С.А., Иваненков Я.А., Скворцов Д.А., Белоглазкина Е.К., Егорова Б.В., Калмыкова Т.П.
RU2730507C1, 2020
Мачулкин А.Э., Успенская А.А., Хазанова Е.С., Рыбалов А.А., Пчелинцев С.О., Петров С.А., Бер А.П., Зык Н.Ю., Андреевич И.Я., Скворцов Д.А., Ерофеев А.С., Горелкин П.В., Белоглазкина Е.К., Мажуга А.Г.
RU2729192C1, 2020
Мачулкин А.Э., Успенская А.А., Бер А.П., Петров С.А., Ямансаров Эмиль Юлаевич, Финько А.В., Красновская О.О., Нименко Е.А., Зык Н.Ю., Андреевич И.Я., Скворцов Д.А., Ерофеев А.С., Горелкин П.В. Белоглазкина Е.К., Хазанова Е.С., Мажуга А.Г.
RU2713151C1, 2020
Мачулкин А.Э., Успенская А.А., Бер А.П., Петров С.А., Салтыкова И.В., Андреевич И.Я., Скворцов Д.А., Ерофеев А.С., Горелкин П.В., Белоглазкина Е.К., Белов Е.Ю., Хазанова Е.С., Мажуга А.Г.
RU2697519C1, 2019
Мажуга А.Г., Белоглазкина Е.К., Иваненков Я.А., Белоглазкина А.А., Кукушкин М.Е., Барашкин А.А.
RU2682678C1, 2019
Никитин А.А., Федорова М.Ф., Щетинин И.В., Абакумов М.А., Белоглазкина Е.К., Клячко Н.Л., Головин Ю.И., Савченко А.Г., Мажуга А.Г.
RU2664062C2, 2018
Мажуга А.Г., Белоглазкина Елена Кимовна, Белоглазкина Анастасия Александровна, Кукушкин Максим Евгеньевич, Иваненков Я.А., Веселов М.С.
RU2629750C2, 2017
Шпигун О.А., Мажуга А.Г., Ананьева И.А., Белоглазкина Е.К., Зык Н.В, Зефиров Н.С., Рудаковская П.Г., Елфимова Я.А.
RU2555030C2, 2015
Mazhuga A.G., Zvereva M.I., Agron L.A., Beloglazkina E.K., Vorozhtsov N.I., Dontsova O.A., Zyk N.V., Kiselev F.L., Skvortsov D.A.
WO2011126409A1, 2011


Lab address

Москва, Ленинские горы, д. 1
Authorization required.