Department of Neutron Experimental Stations

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A modern neutron research complex has been formed on the basis of the IR-8 reactor, which includes six experimental stations located at the exits of horizontal experimental channels, which are used for fundamental and applied research in the field of condensed matter physics and materials science. There is equipment for changing the conditions on the sample:

  • a set of high-pressure cells based on sapphire anvils and equipment for measuring pressure in these cells
  • cryostats based on closed-cycle refrigerators, including one adapted for installing a high-pressure cell in it (maintains a temperature of up to 7 K)
  • heating furnace (up to 1000 K)

Currently, the complex is operating in the mode of collective use, and, therefore, applications are accepted from Russian and foreign researchers to conduct experiments using the equipment of the complex ( ). The instrument base of the complex is constantly being upgraded and expanded.

Work is underway to create an installation for neutron introscopy in a white neutron beam on the tangent channel. It is planned to install a hydrogen source of cold neutrons with three super-mirrored neutron guides. These neutron guides will house: a device for studying small-angle neutron scattering; a diffractometer for studying the structure of microimages; a neutron reflectometer. The commissioning of these installations will significantly expand the experimental capabilities of the complex.

  1. Powder neutron diffraction
  2. Single crystal neutron diffraction
  3. Neutron diffraction (stress diffractometry)
Borisova, Polina A
Polina Borisova
Head of Laboratory
Murashev, Mikhail Mihaylovich
Mikhail Murashev 🤝
Junior researcher
Karpov, Ivan Dmitrievich
Ivan Karpov
Research Engineer
Isakova, Natalia Nikolaevna
Natalia Isakova
Research Engineer

Research directions

Publications and patents


Lab address

пл. Академика Курчатова, дом 1
Authorization required.